To: University of Iowa Faculty
From: Faculty Senate Committee on Committees
Re: Leadership Opportunities for 2025-26
For descriptions of the committees, please see
We, the members of the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees, are writing to ask for your help. We hope that, like us, you want to be part of the kind of University in which faculty members play an active role in the governing process. That is why we are asking you to indicate your willingness to be nominated to serve on one of the Charter, non-Charter, or Faculty Senate Committees that make policies and decisions for the University of Iowa.
Why volunteer?
These committees depend on the expertise, experience, and astuteness of the individuals who serve. The University is simply a better place to work when smart, knowledgeable, perceptive people participate in governance. But serving also offers more personal benefits. As a committee member, you will meet colleagues from across the University and from all ranks - students, staff, faculty, and key administrators. This service also provides insight into the way the University works in all its complexity and gives you an opportunity to help shape our future.
How do I apply?
In late January, all eligible faculty members will receive an email message inviting them to apply for committee service opportunities. Click on the link in the message, log in, and follow the directions to choose committees and then submit choices.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, March 7, 2025.
If your first term on a committee ends this year and you are willing to serve a second term, you must submit a new form to indicate your interest.
Your selections will be reviewed by the Committee on Committees. This Committee matches faculty members to upcoming vacancies based on preference and experience but also on the need to represent a variety of constituencies. The nominations are then presented to the Faculty Senate for approval. In the event that you are not nominated in this round, the Committee will return to the list of remaining volunteers throughout the year to fill vacancies that arise.
Who is eligible?
Clinical-track, research-track, instructional-track, tenured, and tenure-track faculty members are eligible to serve on these committees. Please note that it is not necessary to be a member of Faculty Senate in order to serve on any of these committees. We do try not to burden assistant professors with this University-level service. However, if you are an assistant professor and you have particular reasons for wanting to serve, we will be happy to consider your preferences.
Where can I learn more about the committees on which I might serve?
You will find a description of most Committees, their current members, and an annual report on the Faculty Senate website at
If you have questions, please contact a member of the Committee on Committees. We look forward to hearing from you by Friday, March 7, 2025.
On behalf of the Faculty Senate and the larger University community, we sincerely thank you for contributing your time and expertise by offering to serve on these committees.
The 2024-25 Members of the Faculty Senate Committee on Committees:
- Rodica Curtu, Mathematics (Chair)
- Claire Fox, English
- Naomi Greyser, American Studies
- Jeydith Gutierrez, Internal Medicine
- Anita Jung, Art & Art History
- Teresa Marshall, Preventive & Community Dentistry
- Dan Shane, Health Management & Policy
- Christie Thomas, Internal Medicine