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Descriptions of Committee Functions and Responsibilities
Faculty Senate Committees
All members are faculty; Senate membership is not required.
Academic Values
Develops expertise regarding the principles, history, and current events related to core academic values in higher education, and provides advice to the Faculty Senate and other constituencies regarding proposed programs and policies, as well as regarding events on campus and the reactions thereto.
Awards and Recognition
Has primary responsibility for staffing awards committees in which Faculty Senate plays a role, for soliciting nominations for these awards, and for reviewing and revising procedures for these awards. Regular term: 3 years.
Selects nominees for appointment to general University committees (charter and non-charter) and Senate committees; these nominations are submitted to the Faculty Senate for action. Regular term: 3 years.
Presents to the Senate a list of faculty members eligible to vote, a list of Senate positions to be filled, and a list of persons eligible for each position. Determines the number of positions to be filled on the Council for each college represented. Supervises all elections and decides tie votes by lot. Prepares slate of officer candidates. Regular term: 3 years.
Faculty Policies and Compensation
Reviews and makes recommendations on all proposed University policies and procedures affecting faculty not otherwise under the jurisdiction of another Senate or charter committee. Regular term: 3 years.
- Charge
- Membership
- Annual Report 2014-15
- Annual Report 2015-16
- Annual Report 2016-17
- Annual Report 2017-18
- Annual Report 2018-19
- Annual Report 2019-20
- Annual Report 2020-21
- Annual Report 2021-22
- Annual Report 2022-23
- Annual Report 2023-24
Governmental Relations
Has primary responsibility for developing and improving the faculty's relationship with all governmental bodies. Regular term: 3 years.
Judicial Commission
Investigates faculty grievances against the University arising from denials of promotion or tenure or from other causes and makes recommendations concerning the resolution of such grievances. Panels are appointed from the Commission and meet as needed. Regular term: 3 years.
Rules and Bylaws
Prescribes such general rules of procedure as are not provided in the constitution or bylaws of the Senate. Questions regarding the meaning of the constitution or bylaws are ordinarily referred to this Committee. Regular term: 3 years.
Selection of Central Academic Officials
Consults with University officials on the appointment of new officers of the central administration; may include serving on search committees. Members serve on committees reviewing various offices of the administration. Regular term: 3 years.