2025 Faculty Senate Elections

Annual elections to the Faculty Senate and Faculty Council are conducted in the Spring semester. The Faculty Senate, composed of representatives of all academic units of the University, serves as the principal channel of communication between faculty members and the central administration of the University. Members may discuss and take a position on any subject of University concern, and may recommend policies on these matters to the President. The Senate meets three times per semester throughout the academic year.

The Faculty Council is a smaller body, composed of elected Faculty Senators.  It meets to discuss issues of current importance, and to prepare action suggestions for submission to the Faculty Senate.

In Spring 2025, elections will be held for Faculty Senate vacancies in the Colleges of Business, Dentistry, Education, Liberal Arts & Sciences (CLAS), and Medicine. Elections will be held for Faculty Council vacancies in the Colleges of Business, Dentistry, Liberal Arts & Sciences, and Medicine. 

For the purposes of Faculty Senate Elections, Graduate College faculty are assigned to CLAS Group II.

Please note that Faculty Senate uses the CLAS groupings in effect prior to the recent realignments in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences.

The election follows a three-part process: (1) Nomination of prospective senators; (2) Election to the Senate; and (3) Election of Faculty Councilors from the list of Senators in the colleges holding elections. Election of Faculty Senate officers is a separate process conducted during the last Faculty Senate meeting of the academic year.

Active involvement in this process helps ensure the vitality of faculty shared governance. We encourage you to participate in nominating and selecting your representatives to the Faculty Senate and Faculty Council. 

The timeline for this year's election is as follows:

January 22 - 31    
Faculty Senate nominations sought

February 28 - March 8                   
Senate Election

March 28 - April 5                              
Council Election

Faculty will receive emails prompting them to participate in the 2025 Faculty Senate electronic election process.  

Contact Laura Zaper (laura-zaper@uiowa.edu) with questions.