Administrative Reviews
Section II-28.4b of the Operations Manual provides that:
The Office of the President and the office of each Vice President and the Provost of the University should be reviewed at least once every seven years. The University President shall consult with the Faculty Council in establishing a schedule of reviews.
The Operations Manual requires that each office undergoing review will first produce a self-study. The Review Committee's work begins after the self-study is completed.
Administrative review proposed schedule 2018-21
The following describes the present status of reviews:
Office of the Vice President for University Relations
1996-97: self-study prepared; review committee appointed
1998: review completed
Office of the Vice President for Finance/University Services
1997-98: Self-Study prepared; review committee appointed
2001: review completed (Review Report; VPFUS Response)
2018-19: review completed (Self_Study; Review Report)
Office of the Vice President for Student Services
2008: review committee appointed
2009: review completed (Review Report; Division Response)
Office of the Provost
1999-2000: self-study prepared; review committee appointed
2000-2001: review completed (Self-Study; Review Report; Response to Review Report)
2012-13: self-study prepared; review committee appointed (Self-Study)
2014: review completed (Review Report)
Office of the President
2001-2002: self-study prepared; review committee appointed
2002-2003: review completed (Review Report)
Office of the Vice President for Research
2003-2004: self-study completed
Spring 2006: review completed (Review Report)
Spring 2023: self-study completed
Spring 2024: review completed (Review Report) (includes self-study)
Office of the General Counsel
Fall 2003: self-study completed
Fall 2004: review completed (Review Report)
Spring 2019: self-study completed
Fall 2019: review completed (Review Report) (includes self-study)
Office of the Vice President for External Relations
2017-18: self-study completed (Self-Study)
Spring 2018: review completed (Review Report)
Office of the Vice President for Medical Affairs
Fall 2019: self-study completed (Self-Study)
Spring 2021: review completed (Review Report)