The University of Iowa
Tuesday, March 7, 2006
3:30 pm – 5:15 pm
Tippie Auditorium, W151, PBB
Members Present: David Asprey, Daniel Balderston, Jill Beckman, Gloria Bulechek, Christine Catney, Jay Christensen-Szalanski, Steve Collins, Virginia Dominguez, Edwin Dove, Sarah Fagan, Richard Fumerton, Carin Green, Kathleen Hanson, Paul Heidger, Ronald Herman, Geoffrey Hope, Craig Kletzing, Johna Leddy, Yi Li, Thomas Loew, Mazen Maktabi, Frank Mitros, Michael O’Hara, Christine Pawley, Amy Poremba, Lynn Richman, Catherine Ringen, Victoria Sharp, Karin Southard, John Sutphin, Christie Thomas, Downing Thomas, Brad Thompson, Tuong Ton-That, Walter Vispoel, John Westefeld
Members Absent: Garry Buettner, William Clarke, Denise Filios, Robert Garrett, Jennifer Glass, Frederick Goodman, Thomas Grabowski, Vicki Grassian, Judith Heggen, Bruce Justman, Mark Karwal, Lance Lichtor, Donald MacFarlane, Rene Martin, Steve McGuire, David Min, James Nepola, Thomas O’Dorisio, Beth Pelton, Todd Pettys, Gary Russell, Jarjisu Sa-Aadu, Thomas Schmidt, Janet Specht, Geb Thomas, Marcia Ward, Catherine Woodman
Members Excused: Susan Birrell, Linda Boyle, Kenneth Brown, Jane Desmond, David Drake, Claibourne Dungy, Jose Morcuende, William Sharp, Linda Snetselaar, Anne Sullivan, Steve Vincent
Faculty Senate Officers in Attendance: Richard LeBlond, President; Sheldon Kurtz, Vice President; Michael Cohen, Secretary; Katherine Tachau, Past President
Guests: George Lance (Emeritus Council), Laura Reed (Human Resources), Meredith Hay (VP Research), Gregg Hennigan (Press-Citizen), Emily Barnes (Daily Iowan), Chuck Lynch (PCA), Julie Thatcher (Faculty Senate Office)
I. Call to Order
Professor Kurtz, President Pro-Tem, called the meeting to order at 3:32.
II. Approvals
A. Meeting Agenda
A motion to approve the meeting agenda was made by Professor Herman and seconded by Professor Bulechek. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
B. Faculty Senate Minutes, February 7, 2006
A motion to approve the minutes was made by Professor O’Hara and seconded by Professor Ringen. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
C. Committee on Committees, Sheldon Kurtz
A motion to approve the appointment of Laurie McCormick to the Human Rights Committee (term 2006-08) to replace Ken Cmiel was made by Professor Ringen and seconded by Professor O’Hara. It was unanimously approved by voice vote.
III. Reports
A. Vice President for Research, Meredith Hay
Professor Kurtz introduced Vice President Hay who presented an informal report on the activities and plans of the Office for Research. During the upcoming calendar year the Office of the Vice President for Research will focus on research and creative excellence in the three areas: the undergraduate experience, collaboration and interdisciplinary research efforts, and community and global engagement.
Vice President Hay announced new programs to strengthen the mission of undergraduate research. The Excellence in Undergraduate Research Awards will recognize outstanding accomplishments in scholarly investigation, artistic creation, or performance by an undergraduate student in the fields of arts and humanities; physical sciences, mathematics and engineering; natural sciences; and the social sciences. Recipients will be recognized at a spring undergraduate research forum in the Belin-Blank Center on April 1. Awardees will receive a $250 stipend and up to $750 for travel expenses in order to present their findings. In addition, Vice President Hay announced the opening of the Office for Undergraduate Research, created in conjunction with Dean Keller’s office and the Honors Program. This office will serve as a single point of contact for undergraduate students interested in research opportunities, awards, and travel. Finally, Vice President Hay reminded faculty of the Iowa Research Experience for Undergraduates, a faculty grant competition program out of the Vice President for Research Office to support undergraduates working in faculty labs, offices, and studios.
Vice President Hay discussed her commitment to increasing collaborative and interdisciplinary research across campus by announcing two new Associate Vice President positions. These positions have been created to increase communication between the Vice President for Research and the faculty. Both positions will be a 50% appointment. The first position will represent arts, humanities, and social sciences, and the second will represent engineering, mathematics, the physical sciences, and the natural sciences. Duties will include initiating and coordinating contact among faculty across campus from different disciplines, assist in identification and acquisition of external funding opportunities, planning, studying, and recommending new programs, and facilitating interactions between research teams.
Vice President Hay then described a final initiative to address global, interdependent, multicultural research by sponsoring two events. In conjunction with President Skorton’s Year of Public Engagement grant, the Office of the Vice President for Research will support a project entitled UI Researchers in Collaboration. Led by Steward Ehly and Jay Semel, this project will unite concerned citizens, parents, providers, policy makers, and researchers for a forum on mental health services for Iowa’s children. Vice President Hay hopes this will be an annual forum on various topics that will engage all levels of the community. The second project will unite top scholars and writers with top scientists who will discuss and form policy. The topic this year is water. The Office of the Vice President for Research is investing $100,000 in this seminar and hopes this international event will likewise become an annual event. Vice President Hay is excited to unite science and humanities in a way that has not yet been done.
Vice President Hay then answered questions from Faculty Senators.
B. Presidential Committee on Athletics, Chuck Lynch
President LeBlond introduced the Presidential Committee on Athletics (PCA) Chair, Professor Lynch. Professor Lynch provided an overview of the committee’s charge, structure, and activities. This report can be read in full at Agenda/Senate05-06/3-7-06/2a-PCAReport.htm . Professor Lynch recommended that for purposes of experience and continuity of service PCA members be allowed to serve two 5-year terms rather than one. Additionally, he offered a “Did you know...” fact sheet from the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, which can be reviewed at Agenda/Senate05-06/3-7-06/2b-DYK.pdf. Professor Lynch heard concerns that the tone of the fact sheet misrepresented appropriation of funds into “women’s” athletics rather than “non-revenue generating” athletics. Professor Lynch will relay such concerns back to the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics.
C. Campus Climate Survey, Laura Reed
President LeBlond introduced Laura Reed who presented plans for a campus-wide climate survey to measure employee satisfaction and engagement in the workplace. The goal of the survey is to provide targeted outreach, education, and support to appropriate units. Her presentation may be viewed at Agenda/Senate05-06/3-7-06/CampusClimate.ppt. Ms. Reed answered questions and listened to suggestions. Questions arose regarding the transparency of and access to the results, and Ms. Reed was invited to present the findings to the Faculty Senate.
D. Faculty Senate President, Richard LeBlond
1. Presidential Search Update. The presidential search open forum with the Board of Regents was last Thursday. There was good discussion on both sides, and several leadership members were able to meet with Regents Downer and Vasquez for 2 hours following the forum. President LeBlond reported that the event was a success. The next Board of Regents meeting agenda should include an item that sets the search process in place. At this point it is yet unclear what decisions the board will make at the upcoming meeting and what, if any, our response will be. In the meantime, faculty, staff, and student leadership will continue to engage board members in this discussion. President LeBlond noted his appreciation that local legislators Joe Bolkcom and Bob Dvorsky both attended the forum and encouraged Senators to thank them for their participation.
2. Shared Governance Task Force Proposal Update. The purpose of this task force is to review how the infrastructure supports communication and interaction among faculty, staff, and student leadership and to determine ways to improve and formalize communication among the bodies and with administration and committees. It will be critical to speed up the communication process in order to be more active participants in the decision-making cycle. The Task Force met and developed a model for achieving these goals and will discuss the possibility of moving the office in physical proximity of each other.
3. Faculty Senate Election, March 3-13. President LeBlond deferred to Elections Committee Chair Katherine Tachau, who encouraged everyone to vote in the election.
4. Request for Faculty Senate Program Assistant Position to Full-Time. President LeBlond announced that following a formal request to Provost Hogan, Julie Thatcher’s position was changed from part to full-time, effective immediately.
5. CIC Leadership Program. The Provost’s Office is soliciting three nominations of faculty to participate in this program. The UI typically sends five faculty members on three 4-day trips to various CIC campuses. The program generally attracts faculty interested in future administrative roles. Faculty may self-nominate or nominate colleagues directly to the Provost’s Office.
6. Representative for the Review of Violence Policy. Michael O’Hara volunteered to serve on the Dispute Resolution Committee’s review the violence policy.
7. Final Senate Meeting in Senate Chambers of Old Capitol. President LeBlond noted the change of venue for the final Senate meeting from the IMU to Old Capitol.
IV. From the floor
There were no items from the floor.
V. Announcements
- Faculty Senate, April 25, Senate Chambers, Old Capitol
- Legislative Receptions, 4th Saturday of each month
VI. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:04 pm.