University Committees:
Campus Planning
- Barbara Mooney, Art & Art History
- Thomas Schmidt, Physiology (reappoint)
Conflict of Interest in Employment
- Maria Duarte, Spanish
Council on Teaching
- (CLAS-I) Mary Traschel, Rhetoric (reappoint)
- (CLAS-III) Tong Li, Mathematics
- (Professional 05-08) Kennith Culp, Nursing
- (Professional) George Bergus, Family Medicine
Family Issues
- Catherine Woodman, Psychiatry
Financial Aid Advisory
- Ellen Cram, Nursing
- Warren Darling, Exercise Science
- Michel Gobat, History
- Sue O’Dorisio, Pediatrics (reappoint)
Funded Retirement& Insurance
- Lois Dusdieker, Pediatrics (reappoint)
- Shelly Kurtz, Law (reappoint)
Human Rights
- 1. Gerard Byrne, Prosthodontics
Information Technology Advisory
- Joyce Berg, Accounting
- George Constantinescu, Civil & Environmental Engineering
- Joann Eland, Nursing
- Frank Durham, Journalism & Mass Communication (reappoint)
- (Humanities) Astrid Oesmann, German
Parking and Transportation
- Joseph Chen, Orthopaedic Surgery (reappoint)
Recreational Services
- Chris Turner, Speech Pathology & Audiology (reappoint)
Research Council
- (Physical Sciences) Michael Flatte, Physics & Astronomy (reappoint)
- (Biological Sciences) Linda Snetselaar, Epidemiology
- (Social Sciences) Vicki Hesli, Political Science
Safety & Security
- John Wadsworth, CRSD
Student Health Services
- Vicki Sharp, Urology (reappoint)
Student Publications, Inc.
- David Redlawsk, Political Science (reappoint)
Non-Charter University Committees:
Non-Resident Fee Review
- Kathy Schuh, Psych & Quant Foundations (reappoint)
Presidential Committee on Athletics
- Penelope Hall, Speech Path & Audio (reappoint)
- William Hines, Law
- Steve McGuire, Curriculum & Instruction (reappoint)
- John Solow, Economics (reappoint)
Joint Committee:
Faculty/Staff Budget Committee
Faculty Senate Committees:
Committee on Committees
- Nick Colangelo, CRSD
- Claibourne Dungy, Pediatrics
- Jeff Cox, History
- Richard LeBlond, Internal Medicine
- Steve McGuire, Curriculum & Instruction
Faculty Policies and Compensation
- Victor Camillo, Mathematics (reappoint)
- Lynn Richman, Pediatrics
- Vicki Sharp, Urology (reappoint)
Governmental Relations
Judicial Commission
- Gerard Byrne, Prosthodontics
- David Drake, Endodontics (reappoint)
- Barbara Eckstein, English
- Loreen Herwaldt, Internal Medicine (reappoint)
- Beng Ho, Psychiatry
- Palle Jorgensen, Mathematics
- Surjit Khurana, Mathematics (reappoint)
- Wilfrid Nixon, Civil Engineering
- Margaret Raymond, Law
- Shelton Stromquist, History
- Katherine Tachau, History
- Scott Wilson, Internal Medicine
Selection of Central Academic Officials
- David Drake, Endodontics
- Margaret Raymond, Law