Linda Snetselaar
Being a member of the University of Iowa Faculty has provided the opportunity to view the collaborative efforts of students, faculty and administration. The synergy so evident at this institution is often missing in places of learning similar to ours. The quality of education this University offers includes the work we do in the classroom, the research we do in clinics and labs, and the counseling we do as students move through the University system. As a member of Faculty Senate and Council I have learned the importance of clarifying the decisions we make on values and then reviewing how we might most efficiently use resources to sustain those values. The emphasis on values is a strong underpinning of this University and provides a focus for our students, faculty and administration alike. Through collaborative efforts we will maintain educational standards that assure the excellence of the next generation of Iowans. If elected, I pledge to work to assist in articulating and campaigning for the faculty’s interests as they related to the good of the University as a whole.
Current Position: Professor, Department of Epidemiology, College of Public Health and Secondary Faculty in Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine.
Education: B.S., 1972, Iowa State University (Double Major: Dietetics and Secondary Education); M.S., 1975, University of Iowa (Nutrition), Ph.D., 1983, University of Iowa (Instructional Design—Health Sciences Education Focus).
Teaching: I teach three graduate courses each year and have directed several MPH, MS and PhD students. Also I participate in the training of medical students in the College of Medicine. The focus of my courses is on nutrition as it related to disease prevention.
Research: I have worked in over ten National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded nutrition related long-term research projects. I have participated in three NIH Study Sections over the past six years. I am currently involved in writing manuscripts for two National Cancer Institute projects. I have written a book on nutrition counseling that is now in its 4th edition. This text used in the courses indicated above is one of the first on the topic to include experiences from NIH research studies.
Service: Faculty Senate; Faculty Council; Mediator, Faculty Senate Judicial Commission; Committee Member of the Elections Committee for the Faculty Senate, President of the University of Iowa College of Public Health Faculty Council; Chair of the American Dietetics Association Research Council; Member of the Board of Directors for the American Dietetic Association.