University of Iowa
Tuesday, January 22, 2002
3:30 p.m.
Penn State Room, 335 Iowa Memorial Union
- Call to Order
- Approvals
- Minutes: Faculty Council, December 11, 2001 (Attachment 1)
- Recommended Senate and Committee Replacements (Attachment 2)
- Report of the Faculty Senate President (Amitava Bhattacharjee)
- Administrative Reorganization of UI Health Care and College of Medicine
- Ad hoc Committee for Rules on Collegiate and Decanal Reviews
- Ad hoc Committee for Academy of Distinguished Teachers
- Interactions with the University of Iowa Student Government (UISG)
- Unfinished Business: CIC Resolution on Intercollegiate Athletics (Attachment 3)
- New Business: Creation of a University Flag (S. Kurtz)
- Announcements
- Adjournment