University of Iowa
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
3:30 – 5:15 pm
Seminar Room (2520D), University Capitol Centre
- Call to Order
- Approvals
- Meeting Agenda
- Faculty Council Minutes (January 25, 2011) (Attachment 1)
- Draft Faculty Senate Agenda (March 29, 2011)
- Committee Replacements (Richard Fumerton, Chair, Committee on Committees)
- Christina Bohannan (Law) to fill a vacancy on the Judicial Commission, 2011-13
- Christina Bohannan (Law) to fill a vacancy on the Judicial Commission, 2011-13
- New Business
- Annual Review Policy (Ed Dove)
- College of Pharmacy Research-Track Policy (Ed Dove)
- Conflicts of Commitment and Interest Policy (Ed Dove)
- New Compensation and Classification System for P&S staff (Kevin Ward, Robert Millsap and Karen Shemanski, Human Resources)
- From the Floor
- Announcements
- The next Faculty Senate meeting will be Tuesday, March 29, 3:30 – 5:15 pm, Senate Chamber, Old Capitol.
- The next Faculty Council meeting will be Tuesday, April 12, 3:30-5:15 pm, University Capitol Centre 2520D.
- Adjournment