The University of Iowa
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Ohio State Room, #343 Iowa Memorial Union
Members Present: Judith Aikin, Claibourne Dungy, Ronald Herman, Sheldon Kurtz, Richard LeBlond, Teresa Mangum, Kim Marra, Sue Moorhead, Paul Weller, Jerold Woodhead
Members Absent: Rebecca Hegeman, Shelton Stromquist, John Westefeld
Members Excused: Linda Snetselaar
Faculty Senate Officers in Attendance: Margaret Raymond, President; Katherine Tachau, Vice President; Edwin Dove, Secretary; Jeffrey Cox, Past President
Guests: Betsy Altmaier (P&T Review Committee), Kristen Schorsch (Press Citizen), Craig Porter (Elections Committee Chair), Erin Jordan (Des Moines Register), Sarah Franklin (Daily Iowan), Charles Drum (University Relations), Jim Andrews (AAUP), Judie Hermsen (Human Relations), Lola Lopes (Provost Office), Kathryn Wynes (Provost Office), Lee Anna Clark (Provost Office), Alice Atkinson (Faculty Welfare Chair), Raúl Curto (CLAS), Pat Cain (Provost), Julie Thatcher (Faculty Senate Office)
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:38 PM, April 13, 2004.
II. Approvals
A. Meeting Agenda
Prof. Mangum moved (second by Prof. Cox) to approve the agenda for the meeting. The motion was approved by voice vote.
B. Faculty Council Minutes, March 9, 2004
Prof. Kurtz moved (second by Prof. Aikin) to approve the minutes of the March 9, 2004 Faculty Council meeting. The minutes were approved by voice vote.
III. Reports
A. 2004-05 Faculty Senate Election Results, Craig Porter
Prof. Porter presented and discussed the Faculty Senate and Faculty Council election results, and read the names of the new members of the Senate and Council.
MOTION: Prof. Cox moved (second by Prof. Herman) to advance the list to the Faculty Senate for approval. The motion passed on voice vote.
Prof. Raymond thanked the Election Committee (and especially Prof. Porter) for conducting the election.
B. 2004-05 Committee Replacements, Katherine Tachau
Prof. Tachau reported on and identified new members of the various faculty committees.
MOTION: Prof. Tachau moved (second by Prof. Kurtz) to approve the new members, and send the list to the Faculty Senate for approval.
Prof. Cox raised questions about the status of the Budget Committee. Prof. Tachau will modify the list of new committee members to include the Budget Committee. Prof. Aikin inquired about the status of the Rules and Bylaws Committee. Prof. Tachau will modify the list of new committee members to include the Rules and Bylaws Committee.
The modified motion passed with voice vote.
IV. Unfinished Business
A. Faculty Senate Voting Privileges, Alice Atkinson
Prof. Alice Atkinson presented and discussed the report on faculty senate voting privileges originating from the Faculty Welfare Committee. Prof. Atkinson recommended that voting privileges be extended to all faculty who hold 50% time or greater renewable appointments in categories that require an advanced degree. Most of the affected individuals are lecturers. Prof. Kurtz asked if the Committee anticipated increasing the number of members in the Senate to accommodate those who are affected by this recommendation. Prof. Atkinson responded that this issue was not considered by the Committee. Prof. Cox stated that one possible way to accommodate these individuals is for the lecturers to fill existing “non-tenured” slots. Prof. Tachau stated that the idea is to expand the Senate by setting aside a separate category for lecturers (possibly with a maximum of two additional seats). Associate Dean Curto suggested allocating the number of lecturers in proportion to the number of faculty in the Senate from each college.
MOTION: Prof. Kurtz moved (second by Prof. Moorhead) to request that a written proposal be drafted by the Rules and Bylaws Committee incorporating the recommendation from the Faculty Welfare Committee and input from the Faculty Council. The motion passed by voice vote.
B. Prof. Kurtz moved (second by Prof. Marra) to consider Section V out of order. The motion passed by voice vote.
V. New Business
A. Criminal Background Check at Point of Hire, Lee Anna Clark
Associate Provost Clark discussed the revisions to the Criminal Background Check at Point of Hire document. Prof. Aikin, Prof. Tachau, and Prof. Kurtz offered changes in the language describing the purpose, focus, and domain to be considered.
MOTION: Prof. Tachau (second by Prof. Kurtz) moved to table consideration of the document, and to work on the document over the summer by the Faculty Senate officers and other interested individuals. The motion passed on voice vote.
B. Committee to Review Committees, Katherine Tachau
Prof. Tachau presented and discussed the report of the Committee to Review Committees.
MOTION: Prof. Tachau moved (second by Prof. Mangum) to accept the Committee’s recommendations and pass these on to the Senate subject to any amendments.
Prof. Aikin asked about the lack of information about the Rules and Bylaws Committee. Prof. Tachau will draft language dealing with the Rules and Bylaws Committee. Prof. Kurtz suggested adding language clearly delineating those benefits under the province of the Funded Retirement Insurance Committee (FRIC), and the Faculty Welfare Committee. He suggested possible language as, “benefits other than those that have been delegated to the FRIC.” Prof. Cox suggested that the language under Section II(6) be placed as a bulleted item in the Summary section.
The motion passed by voice vote.
C. Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure, Lee Anna Clark and Betsy Altmaier
Associate Provost Clark and Prof. Altmaier presented and discussed the Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure. Prof. Aikin stated that the Guidelines should be periodically reviewed; she suggested a 5-year review of the Guidelines. Prof. Marra stated that she was troubled about the provision concerning the DEO letter, which is not read by the DCG, and can be wildly independent of other assessments. Prof. Altmaier stated that in her conversations across campus, the independence of the DEO letter was considered to be important, and should be maintained as proposed. Prof. Mangum stated that it is critically important for the candidate to see the letter. Prof. Raymond suggested that Council members communicate directly with Associate Provost Clark about drafting issues.
MOTION: Prof. LeBlond moved (second by Prof. Cox) to adopt the policy and advance the policy to the Senate for its consideration. The motion passed on voice vote.
VI. Executive Session
Prof. LeBlond moved (second by Prof. Herman) to move into executive session to consider the Regents Awards for Faculty Excellence, and the Michael J. Brody Awards. The motion passed on voice vote.
VII. The meeting was adjourned at 5:19 PM.
Submitted by E.L. Dove, Faculty Senate Secretary