The University of Iowa
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Penn State Room, 337 IMU
Members Present: Judith Aikin, Edwin Dove, Paul Heidger, Ronald Herman, Sheldon Kurtz, Philip Lutgendorf, Frank Mitros, Sue Moorhead, James Nepola, Catherine Ringen, Linda Snetselaar, Shelton Stromquist, Steve Thunder-McGuire, Jerold Woodhead
Members Excused: Michael Cohen, Karin Southard
Faculty Senate Officers in Attendance: Katherine Tachau, President; Claibourne Dungy, Secretary; Margaret Raymond, Past President
Faculty Senate Officers Excused: Richard LeBlond, Vice President
Guests: Krystal Loewe (Student), Judie Hermsen (Human Resources), Kristen Schorsch (Press Citizen), Ana Diaz-Arnold (Presidential Committee on Athletics), Chris Squier (Office of the Provost), Alex Long (Daily Iowan) Cheryl Reardon (Staff Council), Lee Anna Clark (Office of the Provost), Michael Hogan (Provost), Lola Lopes (Office of the Provost), Tom Rocklin (Office of the Provost), Julie Thatcher (Faculty Senate Office)
I. Call to Order
Faculty Senate President Katherine Tachau called the meeting to order at 3:37 p.m.
II. Approvals
A. Meeting Agenda
The agenda was approved with changes noting Professor Collins would not be able to attend the meeting, therefore the Strategic Planning item will be removed from the agenda. The order of presentations by Staff Council President Reardon and Presidential Committee on Athletics Chair Diaz-Arnold were reversed.
B. Faculty Council minutes of January 18, 2005
Minutes approved with changes noted.
C. Senate Agenda of March 8, 2005
Professor Heidger moved, second by Professor Thunder-McGuire, to approve the March 8, 2005 Senate agenda with the elimination of item #4B. Motion approved by voice vote.
III. Reports
A. Faculty Senate President, Katherine Tachau
Faculty Senate President Tachau informed the Senate that state legislators would be on campus Friday, March 11th for a luncheon meeting with members of the Faculty Senate. It is anticipated that legislators representing areas of the state other than Johnson and Linn counties will be present. President Tachau encouraged Council members to attend.
Professor Tachau reported that the number of nominations for Senate vacancies are down. She encouraged faculty to nominate colleagues. Usually, there are over 100 nominations and this year fewer than 30 have expressed an interest. Professor Thunder-McGuire asked why faculty are not participating. Associate Provost Clark expressed concern that the electronic ballot makes voting more difficult. The drop-down list disappears when one is in the voting process, making it difficult to make selections. Professor Ringen felt that constant reminders were a good method of reminding faculty to vote.
The revised intellectual property document should be ready for publication in the next week. There have been some changes made to the grievance procedure, which have slowed the finalization of the process.
Professor Tachau informed those who might not be following the legislative session that there is a possibility that the legislature may pass a mental health parity bill during this session.
In concluding her remarks, President Tachau informed the Senate that the intercollegiate faculty committee addressing athletic reform is moving forward with recommendations to be forwarded to the NCAA. Professor Kurtz informed Council members that TIAA/CREF will be opening an office in Coralville. He also informed the group that TIAA/CREF is no longer providing long-term care insurance. Long-term care insurance is now being managed by Traveler’s Insurance. The FRIC committee is seeking a request for proposals concerning long-term care insurance for University of Iowa faculty and staff.
B. Presidential Committee on Athletics
Professor Ana Diaz-Arnold, Chair, Presidential Committee on Athletics (PCA) gave the committee’s annual report to the Faculty Council. Professor Diaz-Arnold informed the Council that the PCA consists of 17 individuals representing faculty, staff, students and alumni. The committee has 5 working subcommittees. In reviewing the activities of the committee for the current academic year, Professor Diaz-Arnold told the Council that Myles Brand, current President of the NCAA, visited the campus in October 2004. The PCA, Department of Athletics, and the University of Iowa are currently preparing for an NCAA site visit, which will occur in February 2006. The site visit will review the areas of governance, academics and equity. Professor Diaz-Arnold then updated the Council on the academic performance of student athletes. The Fall quarter of 2004 had 45% of student athletes with a GPA of 3.0 or greater and 15% were on the Dean’s List. In the Spring semester of 2004, 47% of student athletes had a GPA of 3.0 or higher and 16% were on the Dean’s List. 3% of athletes in the Fall semester of 2004 had a GPA of 4.0. There is no clustering of majors among student athletes. The graduation rate for student athletes is consistently higher than the University of Iowa graduation rate overall. Professor Diaz-Arnold reflected on the new academic progress rules being promulgated by the NCAA. Under the new plan, teams must be on track to graduate 50% of athletes in six years. Using the new metric score, each team must have a team score of 925 or higher. Teams having academic scores of 925 or less would lose scholarships with a cap at 10%. Professor Dove stated it was up to the faculty to monitor academic progress to be sure that student athlete’s grades reflect academic effort. In closing, Professor Diaz-Arnold said that after two years of scrutiny, a Student Welfare Subcommittee submitted a revised student code of conduct. The welfare committee reviewed University of Iowa, Big Ten and other NCAA schools for their codes of conduct. Professor Diaz-Arnold stressed that at no time was the Department of Athletics without a code of conduct. The new code provides much clearer definition in reporting lines and procedures than the previous code. Professor Tachau thanked Professor Diaz-Arnold for her report to the Faculty Council.
C. Staff Council President, Cheryl Reardon
Staff Council President, Cheryl Reardon thanked Professor Tachau and the Council for the opportunity to report on the activities of Staff Council. Staff Council represent approximately 5,000 non-bargaining staff. The Staff Council has one member for every 100 staff and is composed of approximately 50 members who have 3-year terms. She stated that President Skorton has been very active in including the Council in many areas of leadership. The Staff Council is now working to establish an emeritus policy to include research scientists and research engineers.
The Staff Council is exploring methods of improving its visibility. The Council meets monthly with President Skorton and Vice President True; and quarterly with Provost Hogan. Accomplishments of the Staff Council this year include the creation of a new staff award for campus service, the addition of a staff budget person the Executive Committee, a tuition assistance program and exploring the possibility of tuition waivers in the future. The Staff Council is also exploring increasing their role in shared governments by involvement of staff in collegiate reviews. This will require Faculty Senate review and approval by the Board of Regents. Ms. Reardon indicated that the two major issues before the Council are organizing unions on campus, recruiting staff for membership, and a staff salary policy. On behalf of the Faculty Council, Faculty Senate President thanked Staff Council President Reardon for her report.
IV. New Business
A. Background Check Policy, Judie Hermsen
Judie Hermsen discussed the current revisions to the Criminal Background Check at point of hire. Professor Aikin said she was very satisfied with the revisions. She indicated that this policy seems to be needed since some positions require it to meet state or federal requirements. There are procedures for faculty when it is needed and how it should be applied. It defines who is responsible; limits of practice; protects from undue harm; narrows in scope and asserts privacy rights. Professor Kurtz moved, second by Professor Dove, to change the wording in the first paragraph under “Purpose of Policy” to change in line 7 “intolerable” to “unacceptable”. Motion approved by acclamation.
Professor Dove had questions with domains to be considered. Who would make the decision? The Dean, Vice President or designee? Ms. Hermsen felt the position must be determined first, then the person. Professor Dove requested some additional clarification of documentation of record-keeping as listed on pages three and four. Professors Thunder-McGuire asked how the new policy would affect faculty supervising students who have child contact. Many departments have field experiences that are supervised. This will need to be considered with the new policy. Professor Heidger noted that animal care and information technology are not listed in the domains to be considered. Professor Dove congratulated the committee on the improvement in the document. There was concern that the effects on foreign-born and international students would need to be monitored. The background check policy was unanimously endorsed by voice vote.
V. From the Floor
No items.
VI. Announcements
- Committee volunteer forms due February 28, 2005 in 604 JB
- Michael J. Brody Award nominations due February 28, 2005 in 604 JB.
- Governmental Relations Committee legislative trip to Des Moines, March 2, 2005
- IPTV Festival, March 5, 7:45am – 1:00pm, Johnston, IA.
- Faculty Senate, March 8, 3:30-5:15, Terrace Room, 166 IMU
- League of Women’s Voters Legislative Forum, March 26, 2005, 9:00-11:00am, Iowa City Civic Center
- Faculty Council, March 29, 3:30-5:15, Penn State Room, 337 IMU
- Provost’s Address, April 14, 2005, 4:00pm, TBA.
- Faculty Council/Administrative Retreat, May 24, 2004, Gold Room, Oakdale Hall.
VII. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 5:04 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Claibourne I. Dungy, MD, MPH
Secretary, Faculty Council