University of Iowa
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
3:30 p.m.
Penn State Room, 337 IMU
Members Present: Gloria Bulechek, Christine Catney, Virginia Dominquez, David Drake, Paul Heidger, Steve McGuire, Frank Mitros, Michael O’Hara, Catherine Ringen, Downing Thomas
Members Absent: Linda Boyle, Claibourne Dungy, Vicki Grassian, James Nepola, Jarjisu Sa-Aadu, Brad Thompson
Members Excused: Linda Snetselaar
Faculty Senate Officers in Attendance: Richard LeBlond, President; Sheldon Kurtz, Vice President; Michael Cohen, Secretary; Katherine Tachau, Past President
Guests: Edwin Dove (Engineering), George Lance (Emeritus Council), Michael Hogan (Office of the Provost), Susan Johnson (Office of the Provost), Steve Collins (Engineering), J.B. Scott (Art & Art History), Lola Lopes (Office of the Provost), David Johnsen (Dentistry), Julie Thatcher (Faculty Senate Office)
I. Call to Order
President LeBlond called the meeting to order at 3:32 pm.
II. Approvals
A. Meeting Agenda
The Agenda was approved by consensus.
B. Faculty Council Minutes, November 15, 2005
With one modification, a motion to approve the minutes was made by Professor McGuire and seconded by Professor Drake. It was approved unanimously by voice vote.
C. Committee on Committees, Sheldon Kurtz
- Diversity Committee: David Manderscheid (Mathematics) will replace Salome Raheim (2006-2008)
- Presidential Committee on Athletics: Steve McGuire (Curriculum & Instruction) will replace Judy Polumbaum (2005-2006)
A motion to approve the appointments was made by Professor Kurtz and seconded by Professor Ringen. It was approved unanimously by voice vote.
Dr. Kurtz solicited recommendations for a vacancy in the Faculty Policies and Compensation Committee, and more specifically a faculty member of the Carver College of Medicine.
III. Report: Faculty Senate President, Richard LeBlond
A. Shared Governance Task Force Proposal
President LeBlond reported on a meeting between leadership of the Faculty Senate, UI Student Government, and Staff Council, to identify ways in which communication could be enhanced, e.g. through closer proximity of the respective offices, as well as consolidating the infrastructure, i.e. staff support.
B. COIA Meeting, December 2-3, 2005
Professor Dungy attended the recent COIA meeting and will report to the Senate at its next meeting, scheduled for February 7th. In addition, a report to the NCAA was developed that will be distributed with the Senate Agenda.
C. Presentation to Senate by VP for Research, February 7
President LeBlond reported that Dr. Meredith Hay would address the Senate at its next meeting.
D. Presentation to Senate, Working at Iowa, February 7
President LeBlond reported that this issue would also be addressed at that upcoming Faculty Senate meeting.
IV. New Business
A. Honorary Degrees, John Scott
President LeBlond introduced Professor Scott. Professor Scott chaired a task force that was established to develop a policy for the awarding of honorary degrees at the University of Iowa. His committee in close consultation with the Provost’s Office had worked this on. Professor Scott gave a brief overview regarding the history of the task force as well as background information from other institutions. The attachment has already been revised and the suggested changes since the draft proposal was submitted were presented. The draft proposal (December 7, 2005) was then discussed and several changes in this proposal were brought forth. More specifically, it was recommended that a purpose for the policy be included. In addition, there were numerous suggested word changes, that the Honorary Degree Committee includes faculty members in three year staggered terms, and an extensive discussion about item 7 and 10 regarding the selection process. There was an extensive and lively discussion by faculty Councilors about different aspects of the proposal. A motion was proposed by Professor Kurtz, seconded by Professor McGuire, that the word “solely” be introduced in item #8 so as to read: “the degree will not be given solely to persons on the basis of their financial contributions to the University.” The motion passed with 2 opposed. Faculty Senate President, Professor LeBlond, asked Professor Scott to take this back to his committee and bring it back to the Faculty Council at its next meeting in February.
B. Special Compensation Plan, Ed Dove
President LeBlond introduced Professor Dove and Dean Johnsen who had co-chaired an ad hoc committee that developed a report (Attachment 3) looking into bonus pay for University faculty. After some brief introductory remarks by Dean Johnsen, Professor Dove gave a Power Point presentation outlining the salient aspects of the report. After Professor Dove’s detailed and thoughtful summary President LeBlond opened the meeting for discussion by the Faculty Council. It was emphasized that the focus of the report was on tenure track faculty and that the College of Medicine’s Faculty Practice Plan was not part of this discussion. There was also interest in this approach in the College of Pharmacy. Many Faculty Councilors raised concern about a bonus plan that focused on those research activities, which garnered extramural support. Other forms of support, including modest stipends for fellowship or scholarship that did not engender extramural support would be excluded. The issue of interdisciplinary research was also brought forth. In addition, concern was raised about the lack of recognition that could occur for other important missions of the University, including teaching academic service. It was also brought up that there were mechanisms on campus for rewarding excellence in teaching through awards and other forms of recognition as well as awards and recognitions for academic service. Since different cultures exist in the different colleges it is conceivable that the Provost could implement a collegiate specific plan after approval. The outcome of the discussion was that the committee report would be forwarded to the Policies and Compensation Committee, chaired by Professor Collins, for further review.
C. UI Criteria for Institutional Enhancements and Reductions, Katherine Tachau
Because of time, this issue was not discussed, tabled, and will be put on the agenda for the next meeting on February 21st.
V. From the floor
VI. Announcements
- Faculty Senate, February 7, Tippie Auditorium, W151 PBB
- Legislative Receptions, 4th Saturday of each month
VII. Adjournment
President LeBlond indicated that there were many significant issues facing the Faculty Council and Senate that could not meaningfully be accomplished with the monthly meetings. His recommendation was that the Council in particular meet more frequently than it currently does in order to attend to these important details of the University.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by President LeBlond at 5:20 p.m.