The University of Iowa
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Penn State Room, #337 Iowa Memorial Union
Members Present: Judith Aikin, Michael Cohen, Edwin Dove, Paul Heidger, Ronald Herman, Sheldon Kurtz, Sue Moorhead, Catherine Ringen, Linda Snetselaar, Shelton Stromquist, Steve Thunder-McGuire, Paul Weller, Jerold Woodhead
Members Absent: Frank Mitros, James Nepola
Members Excused: Philip Lutgendorf, Karin Southard
Faculty Senate Officers in Attendance: Katherine Tachau, President; Richard LeBlond, Vice President; Claibourne Dungy, Secretary; Margaret Raymond, Past President
Guests: Chuck Green (Public Safety), Charlie Drum (University Relations), Marc Mills (General Counsel), Charlotte Westerhaus (EOD), Joe Kearney (CLAS), Jan Waterhouse (EOD), Lee Anna Clark (Office of the Provost), Michael Hogan (Provost), Teresa Kulper (HR), Bob Baker (Admissions), Julie Thatcher (Faculty Senate Office)
I. Call to Order
Faculty Senate President Katherine Tachau called the meeting to order at 3:37 p.m.
II. Approvals
A. Meeting Agenda
Professor Ringen moved, second by Professor Dove, to approve the meeting agenda. Motion passed by voice vote.
B. Faculty Council minutes of November 18, 2004
Professor Cohen moved, second by Professor Kurtz, to approve the November 18, 2004 Faculty Council minutes. Motion approved by voice vote.
C. Senate Agenda, February 8, 2005
Professor LeBlond moved, second by Professor Snetselaar, to approve the agenda with the exception of Item 4C since that item can not be brought before the Council prior to the February 8, 2005 Senate meeting. Motion approved by voice vote.
III. Report: Faculty Senate President, Katherine Tachau
Professor Tachau reported on five topics she thought would be of interest to the faculty. First, she informed the Council that the Background Check Policy was in the final phases of review and revision and should be on the Faculty Council and Faculty Senate agendas soon. Next, she discussed several items of concern related to the December 2004 meeting of the Board of Regents. Professor Tachau encouraged all faculty to obtain as much information as possible on Board of Regents President Forsythe’s efforts to consolidate the infrastructure of the Regents institutions. Among the items considered for consolidation this year, are the Motor Pool, Accounting and University lobbyists position. She indicated that future plans include the consolidation of the benefits programs across the Regents institutions. Professor Kurtz suggested that Provost Hogan be informed the faculty and staff must have an opportunity to have input into the process. Professor Thunder-McGuire stated it is important that the faculty and staff develop a philosophic position to the overarching principle of consolidation rather than randomly reacting to individual consolidation initiatives. Professor Kurtz suggested it might be appropriate for Professor Tachau, as President of the University of Iowa Faculty Senate, take the lead in convening a meeting of faculty leaders from Iowa State University and the University of Northern Iowa to discuss potential impact of Regents President Forsythe’s consolidation strategy.
Professor Tachau next discussed the Wellmark contract negotiations with the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine Faculty Practice Plan. In December 2004, the UIHC and the Carver College of Medicine Faculty Practice Plan informed Wellmark of their intent to discontinue their contract if a satisfactory reimbursement arrangement cannot be agreed upon by December 31, 2005. The one year’s notice is required prior to terminating the agreement, but does not change the benefits afforded to any University of Iowa employee during the 2005 calendar year.
Because of the lack of uniformity of post-tenure review across the Colleges, Professor Tachau informed the committee that a letter has been sent to the Committee on Faculty Policies and Compensation to review the current policy for post-tenure review and report their recommendations to the Faculty Council/Senate.
Professor Tachau thanked the many faculty, staff and alumni – some as far away as Massachusetts – who signed the letter of support for colleagues whose offices and laboratories were damaged in the November vandalism at Spence Laboratories. The ad was run several times in the Cedar Rapids Gazette. Finally, Professor Tachau encouraged Council members to consider participating in the IPTV fundraiser scheduled for March 2005. In the past, representatives from the Senate have volunteered for one shift at the IPTV offices in Johnston, Iowa.
IV. New Business
A. Revised Policy on Sexual Harassment, Charlotte Westerhaus
Prior to introducing Charlotte Westerhaus, Assistant to the President and Director, Equal Opportunity and Diversity, Professor Tachau provided a brief overview of concerns among the faculty of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences with the wording in the current sexual harassment policy. The current policy could be interpreted to mean all faculty in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences are mandatory reporters. Director Westerhaus stated the current sexual harassment policy was implemented in July 2002. Since its implementation, time and practice with the policy, reviews by the Iowa Chapter of the Association of University Professors and others have indicated that some adjustments need to be made to the policy. In addition, parameters established by the Supreme Court and the University of Iowa since the 2002 implementation have also reinforced a need to revise current policy. Director Westerhaus said changes were made to Section 2(c)(1), (top of page 3 of the revision) academic or administrative officer includes the following. Section(c)(page 4) in Section 11(b)(page 9) defined those individuals to whom a complaint may be contacted on a confidential basis.
Professor Ringen indicated the revisions brought clarity to the policy. Professor Raymond thought it was a great policy, clear. Professor Aiken indicated that the terms ‘directors’ and ‘supervisors’ are used differently in the document and across Colleges. Associate Provost Lee Anna Clark suggested that the phrase “in an employment context” be added to indicate those situations in which the director or supervisor would be a mandatory reporter. Professor Thunder-McGuire indicated it was the responsibility of the department to notify faculty of their responsibilities, regardless of title, that make the faculty member a mandatory reporter. Professor Dove commented that faculty sometimes serve in dual roles, which may make it difficult for the individual to determine if they are to hold the information obtained in confidence or if they are functioning as a mandatory reporter. Director Westerhaus responded that faculty should always act as faculty and report issues of concern to a confidential faculty source.
The recommendation was made to add the President to the list of mandatory reporters on pages 3, 4 and 9. Professor Woodhead questioned how residents at UIHC would be affected by this policy and further queried about post-doctoral fellows.
Director Westerhaus thanked the Council for its input and stated that she would take all these comments to her committee and make revisions where required. The revised document will be placed on the Senate agenda.
B. Proposed P&S Position Announcement Requirement, Charlotte Westerhaus
Director Westerhaus discussed position announcements for P&S positions at pay grade level 12 or higher. Twenty-seven positions met this criterion in the last academic year. These academic and non-academic executive, administrative, and management (EAM) employees have a unique opportunity to successfully contribute to the University of Iowa’s effort to value diversity. Director Westerhaus recommended inclusion in the University’s operation manual a statement that “As a requisite job qualification, a statement must be included in the position announcement that candidates and/or applicants be able to demonstrate job related experience with and/or commitment to diversity in the work/academic environment”. There was discussion as to a level of responsibility of individuals in these positions. Director Westerhaus indicated that level 12 are high-level administrative positions and, therefore, would have significant executive, administrative or management responsibility. In addition, most of these positions require at least five years of administrative experience, thus it is reasonable to expect the individual to be able to document their past efforts concerning diversity. Professor Kurtz moved, second by Professor Ringen, to approve the motion with the inclusion of the statement “significant administrative responsibility”. Motion approved by voice vote.
C. Strategic Planning Agenda
Professor Collins was unable to be present due a family emergency, therefore the item was deleted from the agenda
V. From the Floor
Associate Provost Lee Anna Clark provided the Council with an update on the participation of the Associate Provost and Deans in the promotion process. The new wording will indicate Colleges shall decide at which level associate/assistant deans participate in the promotions process. At the provostial level, the associate provost will vote at the provost level. Professor Aiken expressed opposition to the associate provost involvement at the provost level because it may give a presumed advantage or disadvantage to faculty members who are being reviewed from their discipline. Provost Hogan responded that he wanted the associate provost to represent the University. The amended policy statement will be added to an upcoming Senate agenda.
VI. Announcements
- CR and IC Chamber of Commerce Legislative Breakfast, January 29, 8:00-9:15, North Liberty Community Center
- Faculty Senate, February 8, 3:30-5:15, Terrace Room, 166 IMU
- Faculty Council, February 22, 3:30-5:15, Penn State Room, 337 IMU
VII. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 5:05pm
Respectfully submitted,
Claibourne I. Dungy, MD, MPH
Secretary, Faculty Council
Katherine Tachau
Faculty Senate President