The University of Iowa
Tuesday, November 4, 2003
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Northwestern Room, 345 Iowa Memorial Union
Members Present: Judith Aikin, Claibourne Dungy, Sheldon Kurtz, Teresa Mangum, Kim Marra, Linda Snetselaar, Shelton Stromquist, John Westefeld, Jerold Woodhead
Members Absent: Ronald Herman, Sue Moorhead
Members Excused: Phyllis Chang, Edwin Dove, Rebecca Hegeman, Richard LeBlond, Patrick Lloyd, Paul Weller
Faculty Senate Officers in Attendance: Margaret Raymond, President; Katherine Tachau, Vice-President; Jeffrey Cox, Past President
Guests: Paula Mavroudis (Daily Iowan), Lola Lopes (Office of the Provost), Betsy Altmaier (NCAA Faculty Representative), Ed Folsom (Office of President Review Committee), Dan Anderson (BICOA), Ana Diaz-Arnold (BICOA), Kathryn Wynes (Office of the Provost), Raul Curto (CLAS), Pat Cain (Provost), Lee Anna Clark (Office of the Provost), Eugene Spaziani (Emeritus Faculty Council), Charles Drum (University Relations), Julie Thatcher (Faculty Senate Office)
I. Call to Order
The meetings was called to order at 3:32 PM.
II. Approval (a)
Agenda. President Raymond requested changes in the agenda. M/S/A/ unanimously.
III. Report
Review of the Office of the President, Ed Folsom, Chair
Prof. Folsom described this report as useless but not worthless. The committee was appointed at the time of the resignation of President Coleman, then took advice from Interim President Boyd. President Skorton educated the committee on his vision of the workings of the office, and instituted many of the changes we planned to recommend before we could include them in our report. The value of this report is in the process. Professor Folsom stressed the relatively lean administrative structure of the office in comparison with those of peer institutions. The committee was divided on the need for a presidential “chief of staff.” Little was available in the way of a history of the office, because it has not been reviewed within living memory. Reviews serve a useful purpose in creating a paper trail of changes in the office.
The committee did not investigate the structures of the various Vice-Presidential offices because of the complexity of the task, but Professor Folsom encouraged reviewers of those offices to investigate their relationship to the President’s office. It is important, for instance, to track changes in the composition of the President’s “cabinet”, which usually reflects the administrative priorities of individual presidents. Professor Tachau asked whether a summary of internal budgetary allocations might provide a guide to the size of the President’s office. Professor Folsom responded that it is hard to tell. Professor Marra asked if recent budget cuts affect any of the committee’s conclusions. Professor Folsom responded that he didn’t know.
MOTION: Professor Kurtz moved (seconded by Professor Dungy) that “the Council accept the report with thanks to the committee.” Approved unanimously.
IV. New Business
NCAA and BICOA Presentation, Betsy Altmaier, Ana Diaz-Arnold, and Dan Anderson
Professor Altmaier, the Faculty Representative to the Big 10 and NCAA, responded to a request from the Senate to report on various faculty reforms being proposed in regard to athletics. She explained the structure of the Big 10 and NCAA, and summarized some of the reform initiatives under consideration by the NCAA, with special reference to incentives and disincentives for student academic performance, limitations on the time scholarship athletes devote to athletics, and gambling. Professor Aikin asked about the status of conferences in proposing changes to the NCAA, and Professor Kurtz asked about the status of proposals from the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics (COIA). Professor Altmaier responded that she did indeed bring forward from the COIA framework for discussion at the BIG 10 two issues: the twenty hour rules, and the relationship of the Big 10 to NCAA regulations. She asked for guidance in shaping precise legislative initiatives.
Professor Cox noted the very large amount of work involved in being Faculty Athletic Representative, and raised the issue of fixed terms rather than service at the pleasure of the President of the University. He also asked about the mechanisms for consultation of faculty on the President’s choice of the chair of BICOA, and the Faculty Athletic Representative, pointing out that there is now no administrative requirement for any consultation. Professor Altmaier responded that some kind of consultation with faculty about the faculty representatives would be a good thing. Professor Tachau suggested that such consultation be required.
Professor Diaz-Arnold, the new chair of BICOA, reported that a new sub-committee on the welfare of student athletes had been created in response to the recent Raymond Report. The Athletic Department now reports directly to the President. The biggest issue for BICOA was the monitoring of the academic progress of student athletes, and explained the difficulties in gathering certain kinds of statistics, including reliable information on graduation rates.
Dan Hunter, chair of BICOA’s Equity Committee and Staff Committee explained the workings of those bodies. Professor Tachau suggested that members of BICOA communicate with her in her role as chair of an ad hoc committee on faculty senate committees.
V. Approvals (b)
A. Faculty Council Minutes, October 14, 2003. Motion to approve M/S/A.
B. Senate Agenda, November 18, 2003 . Motion to postpone until end of meeting M/S/A.
VI. Reports (b)
A. Faculty Senate President, Margaret Raymond.
President Raymond reported on the need for a thorough discussion of the cumulative effect of five years of budget cuts. She also reported on the CIC leadership program that she attended along with Professor Tachau. This year’s meeting was devoted to consideration of the COIA reforms in their various stages. The University of Minnesota has passed a resolution on the USA Patriot Act, and President Raymond recommended the most recent issue of the AAUP journal, ACADEME, for several articles on threats to academic freedom in the wake of 9/11. President Raymond announced that Professor Snetselaar had agreed to be the liaison with the Council on the Status of Women, and explained the schedule of meetings for interviews with candidates for Provost.
B. Faculty Composition, Associate Provost Lee Anna Clark and Kathryn Wynes.
Professor Clark and Kathryn Wynes presented an overview of faculty status and voting rights in respect to faculty self-government. This was followed by a discussion of the complex categories, especially that of Lecturer with its exclusion from voting rights for Faculty Senate. Professor Mangum suggested that we should hear from Lecturers on this subject. Professor Marra observed that Lecturers were crucial to the work of her department, but feel like second class citizens. Professor Aikin suggested that a slot for Lecturers might be a good idea. Professor Kurtz reassured the Council that we need not worry about the status of Adjuncts not paid by the University. President Raymond asked if the Council would like to send this issue to the Faculty Welfare Committee.
MOTION: Professor Dungy moved (second Prof. Tachau) “to refer this issue to the Faculty Welfare Committee.” Approved unanimously.
VII. Approvals (c)
Senate Agenda, November 18, 2003
Professor Kurtz suggested that a report from FRIC be added to the agenda. Motion to accept revised agenda M/S/A.
VIII. Announcement
President Raymond urged all Faculty Council members to attend the reception for legislators on December 10, 4:30-6:00, in the North Room of the IMU.
IX. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 5:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeffrey Cox
Ad-hoc Secretary