University of Iowa
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
3:30 p.m.
Penn State Room, 337 IMU
Members Present: Linda Boyle, Gloria Bulechek, Virginia Dominquez, Claibourne Dungy, Vicki Grassian, Paul Heidger, Steve McGuire, Michael O’Hara, Catherine Ringen, Downing Thomas, Brad Thompson
Members Absent: James Nepola, Frank Mitros, Jarjisu Sa-Aadu
Members Excused: Christine Catney, David Drake, Linda Snetselaar
Faculty Senate Officers in Attendance: Richard LeBlond, President; Sheldon Kurtz, Vice President; Michael Cohen, Secretary
Faculty Senate Officers Excused: Katherine Tachau, Past President
Guests: Gregg Hennigan (Press-Citizen), George Lance (Emeritus), Sam Edsill (Daily Iowan), Tom Rocklin (Office of the Provost), Cynthia Joyce (Ombuds Office), Craig Porter (Ombuds Office), Steve Collins (Engineering), Charlie Drum (University Relations), Michael Hogan (Provost), Pat Cain (Office of the Provost), Susan Johnson (Office of the Provost), Elizabeth Altmaier (COIA), Jennie Smazik (Faculty Senate Office)
I. Call to Order
Senate President LeBlond called the meeting to order at 3:34 pm.
II. Approvals
A. Meeting Agenda
A motion to approve the meeting revised agenda was made by Professor McGuire and seconded by Professor O’Hara; it was approved unanimously by voice vote.
B. Faculty Council Minutes, August 23, 2005
Professor Kurtz moved, second by Professor Ringen, to approve the Minutes of August 23, 2005, with minor modifications. The motion was unanimously approved by voice vote.
C. Senate Agenda, October 18, 2005
Professor Heidger moved, second by Professor Thompson, to approve the Senate Agenda of October 18, 2005. The motion was unanimously approved by voice vote.
D. Recommended Committee Replacements
Professor Kurtz made the following recommendations for Committee replacements:
- FRIC: Jane Chalmers (Dentistry)
- Student Publications: Steve Berry (Journalism)
Professor Dungy moved, second by Professor Thomas, to approve the recommendations. The motion was approved unanimously by voice vote.
Two Committee vacancies remain, for which suggestions were sought by President LeBlond:
- Council on Teaching: 1 year term vacancy
- Diversity Committee: 1 year term vacancy
III. Reports
A. Faculty Senate President, Prof. LeBlond
- NCAA self-study: Prof. Pat Cain, Vice Provost (
Associate Provost Cain gave an update on the NCAA re-certification process. The self-study is nearly complete and the majority of the report is available on line at the URL listed above. The complete report is due by the middle of this month and will be followed by a site visit February 8-10, 2006. - CIC meeting: November 4-5, 2005, East Lansing, MI.
Senate President LeBlond will attend the CIC meeting next month. The focus of the meeting is on senate infrastructure and its interactions with university central administration. - Charitable Giving enrollment: Prof. LeBlond
Senate President LeBlond indicated that the reported faculty contribution to United Way through payroll deduction was< 5%, significantly lower than other CIC institutions. He recognized that many faculty were very generous with their philanthropic support but that this was difficult to capture. He encouraged the Council to use payroll deduction if they support programs offered through this mechanism. He will send a letter to the University faculty. - Statement of support for President Skorton, follow-up: Profs. LeBlond & Kurtz.
The statement of support was sent to the Board of Regents but no response has been received. In addition, the Executive Committee of the Carver COM and the faculty in College of Law have approved the statement. It is hoped that other Colleges will also ratify this statement in support of the University President. - Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics: Annual Meeting December 2-3, 2006, Pullman, WA.
Professor Dungy will represent the University at the upcoming meeting. He is a member of the Council and a member of the Presidential Committee on Athletics.
IV. Unfinished Business: Road’s Scholars Proposal, Professor Thomas
Professor Thomas, with help from Professor McGuire and Ms. Jane van Vooorhis (President Skorton’s Office), has prepared a DRAFT proposal for the Iowa Engagement Core. It will be reviewed by Senate president LeBlond and submitted by the October 6 deadline. The proposal focuses in newly promoted faculty who will be involved with a dialogue of Iowa citizens about the University.
MOTION: Prof. O’Hara moved, second by Prof. Kurtz, that this be approved; it was approved unanimously by voice vote.
V. New Business:
A. Ombuds Office Presentation, Cynthia Joyce and Craig Porter
Professor Porter and Ms. Joyce, both new to the Ombuds Office, gave a report about the Office. There were a couple of issues of note: the “incivility” of a minority of the faculty and the concern about student plagiarism.
B. Faculty Policies and Compensation Committee Council on Teaching: charter revision, Prof. Collins
Review of policy recommendations from the Annual Report of the Office of the Ombudsperson: Professional Ethics and Academic Responsibility, Section 15.4.
Professor Collins reviewed the three attachments and led a brief discussion about the issue on “incivility” (respect) that is a concern in the most recent report from the Ombuds Office, see above. There are several Chapters in the Operations Manual (15 &16) that are germane. This issue will be revisited.
C. FRIC Rates and TIAA/CREF, Professor Kurtz
Professor Kurtz gave a preliminary report. He indicated that an average 6.5% increase in health insurance rates could be expected although this was plan dependent. In addition, he reported that TIAA would be increasing its options, possibly up to 90 different allocations.
VI. Announcements
VII. Faculty Council, November 15, Penn State Room 337 IMU
- UI Catalyst Awards Ceremony, November 16, 4:00-5:30, Second Floor Ballroom, IMU
- Faculty Senate, November 29, Terrace Room, 166 IMU
- Adjournment
There being no further business, Senate President LeBlond adjourned the meeting to order at 5:15 pm.