University of Iowa
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
3:30 – 4:45 pm
Senate Chamber (Old Capitol)
- Call to Order
- Approvals
- Meeting Agenda
- Faculty Senate Minutes (March 25, 2008) (Attachment 1)
- Faculty Senate and Council Election Results (Michael O’Hara)
- 2008-2009 Committee Recommendations (Michael O’Hara)
- 2006-07 Motion Summary (Michael O’Hara)
- Sally Mason, President
- New Business
- Committee to Review the Division of Student Services (Victoria Sharp)
- Proposed changes to the Ops Manual for DEO and Program Director Reviews (Michael O’Hara)
- One Community, One Book (Downing Thomas, Associate Dean, International Programs)
- Update on Alcohol Alternatives Policy and Night Activities working groups (Interim Provost Lola Lopes)
- Recognition of Interim Provost Lola Lopes
- Announcements
- Regents Awards for Faculty Excellence (Victoria Sharp)
- Michael J. Brody Awards for Faculty Excellence (Victoria Sharp)
- Concluding Remarks of the 2007-08 Faculty Senate President
- Adjournment (followed by 2008-09 Organizational Meeting)
University of Iowa
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
4:45 - 5:15 pm
Senate Chamber, Old Capitol
- Call to Order
- Election of Faculty Senate Officers (Richard LeBlond, Elections Committee)
- Faculty Senate Vice President
- David Drake, Endodontics
- Carin Green, Classics
- Linda Snetselaar, Epidemiology
- Faculty Senate Secretary
- David Asprey, Physician Assistant Program
- Shelton Stromquist, History
- Faculty Senate Vice President
- Opening Remarks of the Faculty Senate President Michael O’Hara
- From the floor
- Announcements
- Officer Election Results (Richard LeBlond, Elections Committee)
- 2008-09 Meeting Schedule
- Iowa Board of Regents President David W. Miles to present an address titled, "Whither Iowa's Public Universities?" on Saturday, April 26, 10:30 am, Iowa Room (#335) of the Iowa Memorial Union. Sponsored by AAUP.
- Faculty Senate Symposium on Fringe Benefits to be held on Tuesday, April 29, 3:30-5:15 pm, Biology Building East 101 (Kolross Auditorium).
- Adjournment