University of Iowa
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
3:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Old Capitol, Senate Chambers
- Call to Order
- Approvals
- Meeting Agenda
- Faculty Senate Minutes, March 7, 2006 (Attachment 1)
- Committee Replacement, Sheldon Kurtz
- Family Issues: Jonathan Doorn, Medicinal Natural Products, will replace Tom Branson (2006-07)
- Reports
- Faculty Senate President, Richard LeBlond
- Ethics Education Roundtable, May 9, 8:30-4:00, W401 PBB
- Faculty Council/Administration Retreat, August 11, Gold Room, Oakdale Hall
- Presidential Search Activities
- Faculty Senate Accomplishments
- Faculty Senate Unfinished Business
- Staff Benefits Review Committee, Gay Pelzer
- 2006-07 Faculty Senate Elections Results, Katherine Tachau (Attachment 2)
- 2006-07 Committee Recommendations, Sheldon Kurtz (Attachment 3)
- 2004-05 Motion Summary, Sheldon Kurtz (Attachment 4)
- Faculty Senate President, Richard LeBlond
- New Business
- Proposed Honorary Degree Policy, John Scott (Attachments 5a, 5b and 5c)
- COIA Recommendations, Claibourne Dungy (Attachments 6a and 6b)
- From the floor
- Announcements
- Regents Awards for Faculty Excellence, Richard LeBlond
- Michael J. Brody Awards for Faculty Excellence, Richard LeBlond
- Appreciation for Outgoing Senators (Attachment 7)
- Concluding Remarks of the 2005-06 Faculty Senate President
- Adjournment
University of Iowa
2006-07 Organizational Meeting
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
4:45 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Old Capitol, Senate Chambers
- Call to Order
- Election of Officers, Katherine Tachau
- Faculty Senate Vice President
Edwin Dove (Attachment 1)
Victoria Sharp (Attachment 2)
- Faculty Senate Secretary
Jennifer Glass (Attachment 3)
Steve McGuire (Attachment 4)
- Faculty Senate Vice President
- New Business: Resolution on Senate Summer Activities, Sheldon Kurtz (Attachment 5)
- Opening Remarks of the Faculty Senate President
- From the Floor
- Announcements
- Election Results, Katherine Tachau
- 2006-07 Meeting Schedule, Sheldon Kurtz (Attachment 6)
- Adjournment