University of Iowa
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
3:30 p.m.
Terrace Room, 166 IMU
- Call to Order
- Approvals
- Agenda
- Faculty Senate Minutes, October 18, 2005 (Attachment 1)
- Committee on Committees, Sheldon Kurtz
Diversity Committee: Nicole Nisly, Internal Medicine (2005-07)
Diversity Committee: 1 Vacancy (2005-08 replacing Salome Raheim)
Financial Aid Advisory Committee: 1 Vacancy (2005-06 replacing Suely Oliveira)
- Agenda
- Reports
- Faculty Senate President, Richard LeBlond
- Board of Regents Meeting, November 2-3
- CIC Faculty Leadership Meeting, November 4-5
- Tenure Clock Task Force, Call for Nominations
- Search Committee for the Director of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, Call for Nominations
- Proposal for Shared Governance Task Force
- Gubernatorial and Legislative Candidate Questionnaire
- Office of Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Workforce Report (Cover Letter and Overview)
- Provost’s Guidelines for 2005-6 Faculty Salary Adjustments (
- Iowa Engagement Corps Grant (Road’s Scholars), Downing Thomas
- Health and Wellness Project, Laura Reed & Joni Troester
- Faculty Senate President, Richard LeBlond
- New Business
- UI Libraries Resolution, Thomas Charlton (Attachment 2)
- Council on Teaching Revision to Charter, Mark Young (Attachment 3)
- From the floor
- Announcements
- Faculty Senate, February 7, W151 PBB *Note room change
- Legislative Reception, December 8, 4:30-6:00, Museum of Art
- Adjournment