University of Iowa
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
3:30 p.m.
Iowa Room, 335 IMU
- Call to Order
- Approvals
- Revised Meeting Agenda
- Faculty Senate Minutes, September 6, 2005 (Attachment 1)
- Recommended Committee Replacements, Sheldon Kurtz
- FRIC: Jane Chalmers (Dentistry)
- Student Publications: Steve Berry (Journalism)
- Council on Teaching (1 year): Mary Trachsel (Rhetoric)
- Vacancy: Diversity Committee (1 year)
- Council on Teaching Charter Revision (Attachment 2)
- Revised Meeting Agenda
- Reports
- Faculty Senate President, Richard LeBlond
- Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics Annual Meeting December 2-3, 2006, Pulman, WA.
- COIA Letters (Attachment 3a)
- COIA Members (Attachment 3b)
- NCAA Self-Study, Vice Provost Pat Cain, (Report found at
- CIC Meeting, November 4-5, 2005, East Lansing, MI
- Charitable Giving Enrollment, Richard LeBlond
- Statement of Support for President Skorton, Richard LeBlond and Sheldon Kurtz
- Road’s Scholars Proposal, Downing Thomas
- Faculty Senate President, Richard LeBlond
- New Business
- Presentation and Q & A, Provost Michael Hogan
- Ombudsperson Office Presentation, Cynthia Joyce and Craig Porter (Attachment 4)
- Insurance Rates and TIAA/CREF, Sheldon Kurtz
- From the floor
- Announcements
- Faculty Council, November 15, 3:30-5:15, Penn State Room, 337 IMU
- UI Catalyst Awards Ceremony, November 16, 4:00-5:30, Second Floor Ballroom, IMU
- Faculty Senate, November 29, 3:30-5:15, Iowa Room, 335 IMU
- Adjournment
Council Members & Guests: Please sign the attendance list before leaving the meeting.