University of Iowa
Tuesday, October 26, 1999
3:30 p.m.
Old Capitol, Senate Chamber
For this meeting, the President of the Senate requests that all senators sit in the center section of the Senate Chamber, and that guests sit in the seating areas on the right and left sides of the Chamber. Your cooperation will be appreciated.
- Call to Order
- New Business
Discussion and debate on matters concerning the International Writing Program. (Attachment 1)
- The Faculty Council plans to move, for the purpose of Senate discussion and debate, a “Resolution Concerning the International Writing Program.” At its meeting of October 12, the Council was unable to agree on the final content of that resolution. A special Council meeting was scheduled for October 19 and, if a resolution is agreed upon, it will be forwarded to all Senators in time for their review prior to the special Senate meeting.
- Senators are encouraged to offer any resolutions, amendments to the proposed Council resolution, etc. which they deem appropriate. The purpose of the Council resolution will be to generate discussion, debate and alternative suggestions. If possible, senators are encouraged to bring to the meeting written copies of any proposed amendments, substitute motions, etc. which they plan to offer. Having written copies available for the Senate president and Senate secretary will help ensure that proposals are correctly stated by the President and accurately reflected in the minutes.
- The Report of the IWP Task Force is included as an attachment to this agenda. (Attachment 2)
- The Faculty Council plans to move, for the purpose of Senate discussion and debate, a “Resolution Concerning the International Writing Program.” At its meeting of October 12, the Council was unable to agree on the final content of that resolution. A special Council meeting was scheduled for October 19 and, if a resolution is agreed upon, it will be forwarded to all Senators in time for their review prior to the special Senate meeting.
- Adjournment