The University of Iowa
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
3:30 pm – 4:20 pm
Lucas Dodge Room, #256 Iowa Memorial Union
Members Present: Judith Aikin, David Asprey, Terry Boles, Linda Boyle, Gloria Bulechek, Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Steve Collins, Kathleen Diffley, Virginia Dominguez, Claibourne Dungy, Michael Flanigan, Sonya Franklin, Carin Green, Paul Heidger, Ronald Herman, Julie Hochstrasser, William Johnson, Michael Kelly, Sheldon Kurtz, Richard LeBlond, Mazen Maktabi, Usha Mallik, Teresa Mangum, Kim Marra, Sue Moorhead, James Nepola, Lisa Oakes, Harry Paarsch, Craig Porter, Daniel Quinn, Richard Randell, Stephen Rayhill, Mary Hall Reno, Jon Ringen, Gary Segura, Linda Snetselaar, Karin Southard, Janet Specht, Tuong Ton-That, Carolyn Wanat, Jerold Woodhead
Members Absent: Pedro Alvarez, Garry Buettner, Thomas Cook, Corey Creekmur, Bernard Fallon, Gregory Hamot, Alfred Hansen, Debra Haselton, Rebecca Hegeman, Keri Hornbuckle, Erin Irish, Diane Jeske, Jean Jew, Philip Lutgendorf, Donald MacFarlane, Andrew Nugent, Thomas O’Dorisio, Todd Pettys, Bradley Phillips, Shelton Stromquist, Geb Thomas, Marcia Ward, Robert Weir, Paul Weller, Duane Whitaker, Howard Winfield
Members Excused: Jay Christensen-Szalanski, Lois Dusdieker, Jose Morcuende, Thomas Schmidt, John Westefeld
Faculty Senate Officers in Attendance: Margaret Raymond, President; Katherine Tachau, Vice President; Edwin Dove, Secretary; Jeffrey Cox, Past President
Guests: Kathryn Wynes (Office of the Provost), Jim Andrews (AAUP), J. Sevesky (Daily Iowan), Lea Fitzgerald (School of Journalism), Eugene Spaziani (Emeritus Faculty Council), Lee Anna Clark (Office of the Provost), Pat Cain (Provost), Julie Thatcher (Faculty Senate Office)
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:38 PM.
II. Approval
Prof. Tachau moved (second by Prof. Porter) to approve the minutes of the Faculty Senate meeting of March 23, 2004. Prof. Collins offered two corrections. The first correction was to replace the words “only reflects the” in IV (A) with the words “does not reflect.” The second correction was to add a paragraph after Amendment 3 stating, “Prof. Collins noted that with the adoption of this version of the Decanal Review Policy, there is no stated policy in the Operations Manual on review of DEOs. Prof. Baldus acknowledged this, and suggested that a different committee work on this in the future.” The amended minutes were adopted by voice vote.
III. Reports
A. 2004-05 Committee Replacements
Prof Tachau presented a report on the 2004-2005 Committee Replacements. Prof. Kurtz moved (second by Prof. Specht) to adopt the report. The motion passed on voice vote.
B. Faculty Senate Election Results
Prof. Porter reported the results of the Faculty Senate elections. Prof. Porter moved (second by Prof. Kurtz) to adopt the report. The motion passed on voice vote.
C. 2002-03 Motion Summary
Prof. Tachau presented a summary report on 2003-2004 motions made by the Faculty Senate.
D. Faculty Senate President
Prof. Raymond read a letter from President Skorton stating that he has placed a moratorium on faculty incentive pay programs until after the pilot programs in the College of Medicine and the College of Pharmacy have been reviewed. Prof. Raymond stated that the letter will be archived in the Faculty Senate office.
IV. New Business
A. Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure, Betsy Altmaier and Lee Anna Clark
Prof. Raymond presented a brief review of the history of the most recent revision to the Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure document. Associate Provost Clark discussed selected details of the document, and stated that changes to the document were made based largely on the Altmaier Committee recommendations.
MOTION: Prof. LeBlond moved (second by Prof. Asprey) to adopt the Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure document. Prof. Aikin stated that the flowchart on page 7 was unclear, and then offered suggestions for clarifying the outline. Prof. Aikin then suggested that the word “analyzes” on page 14 should be replaced with “evaluates.” Associate Provost Clark and the language drafting committee will implement the suggestions. Prof. Collins asked if the Faculty Council had considered the recommendations offered by the Altmaier Committee. Prof. Raymond assured him that the Council had considered the recommendations, and had worked with Associate Provost Clark in drafting language to implement the recommendations. The motion passed on voice vote.
Prof. Kurtz asked when the new policy will be in effect. Associate Provost Clark stated that the earliest will be the 2005 tenure cycle. The colleges must have time to alter their respective procedures, if necessary.
Prof. Porter suggested that the committee working on drafting the language for the Guidelines for Promotion and Tenure document work with the committee that drafted a similar document for the clinical professors.
MOTION: Prof. LeBlond moved (second by Prof. Herman) to get the two drafting committees together and work with the Faculty Senate Officers this summer to determine if there are any commonalities that can be included in both documents. The work of these groups is to be brought before the Faculty Council next Fall semester for approval. The motion passed on voice vote.
B. Committee to Review Committees, Katherine Tachau
Prof. Tachau presented a report from the Committee to Review Committees. She noted that the key to good committee work from year to year is a mechanism to enable good “committee memory.” The Committee made six recommendations to improve the efficacy of the faculty committees.
MOTION: Prof. Kurtz moved (second by Prof. Maktabi) to approve the six recommendations made by the Committee to Review Committees, and to take all necessary action to implement the recommendations. The motion passed on voice vote.
V. Announcements
A. Awards
Prof. Raymond announced that recipients of the Regents Awards for Faculty Excellence had been selected. Awardees will be announced to the Faculty Senate members after the recipients have been notified.
Prof. Raymond announced the names of the recipients of the Michael J. Brody Awards.
B. Prof. Raymond expressed the appreciation of the Senate to the outgoing senators.
C. Concluding Remarks of the 2003-04 Faculty Senate President
In Prof. Raymond’s concluding remarks, Prof. Raymond expressed her thanks for the many people who helped her, the Council, and the Senate this past year. Prof. Raymond expressed her appreciation to all committee members.
Prof. Raymond expressed her special appreciation for the work done by Prof. Cox for his service to the Council, the Senate, the state, and the community. Prof. Raymond acknowledged his contributions in initiating legislative delegate meetings with the Faculty Senate officers, meetings with the Chamber of Commerce, and other such work.
Prof. Raymond expressed the gratitude of the Faculty Senate and Faculty Council to the work done by Julie Thatcher.
VI. From the Floor
MOTION: Prof. Kurtz moved that the Faculty Senate wishes to express its appreciation to Margaret Raymond for her tireless efforts on behalf of the Senate and the entire university community during this difficult year, and our appreciation for her unfailing good cheer and good judgment throughout the year. The motion was accepted by acclimation.
Prof. Mangum expressed her gratitude to the Faculty Senate secretary for his tireless work and good spelling. The secretary expressed his appreciation of her gratitude.
VI. Prof. Collins moved (second by Prof. Dove) to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 4:18 PM.
Submitted by E.L. Dove, Faculty Senate Secretary
The University of Iowa
2004-05 Organizational Meeitng
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
4:45 pm – 5:15 pm
Lucas Dodge Room, #256 Iowa Memorial Union
Members Present: Judith Aikin, David Asprey, Linda Boyle, Gloria Bulechek, Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Michael Cohen, Steve Collins, Virginia Dominguez, David Drake, Claibourne Dungy, Michael Flanigan, Sonya Franklin, Jennifer Glass, Frederick Goodman, Thomas Grabowski, Carin Green, Paul Heidger, Ronald Herman, Julie Hochstrasser, William Johnson, Michael Kelly, Sheldon Kurtz, Richard LeBlond, Thomas Loew, Mazen Maktabi, Usha Mallik, Teresa Mangum, Frank Mitros, Sue Moorhead, James Nepola, Lisa Oakes, Harry Paarsch, Craig Porter, Daniel Quinn, Richard Randell, Stephen Rayhill, Mary Hall Reno, Catherine Ringen, Andrew Robertson, Gary Segura, Victoria Sharp, William Sharp, Linda Snetselaar, Karin Southard, Janet Specht, Steve Thunder-McGuire, Tuong Ton-That, Carolyn Wanat, Jerold Woodhead
Members Absent: Pedro Alvarez, Garry Buettner, Thomas Cook, Corey Creekmur, Jane Desmond, Alfred Hansen, Keri Hornbuckle, Diane Jeske, Mark Karwal, Philip Lutgendorf, Donald MacFarlane, Andrew Nugent, Thomas O’Dorisio, Christine Pawley, Todd Pettys, Bradley Phillips, Gary Russell, Shelton Stromquist, Downing Thomas, Geb Thomas, Marcia Ward, Paul Weller, Duane Whitaker, Howard Winfield, Catherine Woodman
Members Excused: Susan Birrell, Jay Christensen-Szalanski, Lois Dusdieker, Richard Fumerton, Jose Morcuende, Thomas Schmidt, Steven Vincent, John Westefeld
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Prof. Tachau at 4:45 PM.
II. Election of Officers, Jeffrey Cox
A written ballot election was held for the office of Vice President of the Faculty Senate, and for Secretary of the Faculty Senate. The candidates for the office of Vice President were Prof. LeBlond and Prof. Porter. The candidate for the office of Secretary was Prof. Dungy.
The results of the election were announced by Prof. Cox. Prof. LeBlond is the vice president, and Prof. Dungy is the secretary.
III. Senate President Opening Remarks
Prof. Tachau addressed the Faculty Senate with her opening remarks.
IV. Adjournment
Submitted by E.L. Dove, Faculty Senate Secretary, AY 2003-2004