The University of Iowa
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Lucas Dodge Room, #256
Iowa Memorial Union
Members Present: Judith Aikin, David Asprey, Garry Buettner, Gloria Bulechek, Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Steve Collins, Kathleen Diffley, Lois Dusdieker, Sonya Franklin, Gregory Hamot, Ronald Herman, Julie Hochstrasser, Diane Jeske, William Johnson, Michael Kelly, Richard LeBlond, Patrick Lloyd, Philip Lutgendorf, Donald MacFarlane, Usha Mallik, Kim Marra, Jose Morcuende, Sue Moorhead, James Nepola, Harry Paarsch, Craig Porter, Daniel Quinn, Mary Hall Reno, Jon Ringen, Thomas Schmidt, Gary Segura, Janet Specht, Geb Thomas, Tuong Ton-That, Carolyn Wanat, Marcia Ward, John Westefeld, Jerold Woodhead
Members Absent: Pedro Alvarez, Phyllis Chang, Thomas Cook, Corey Creekmur, Melissa Deem, Virginia Dominguez, Bernard Fallon, Michael Flanigan, Carin Green, Alfred Hansen, Keri Hornbuckle, Erin Irish, Jean Jew, Sheldon Kurtz, Mazen Maktabi, Andrew Nugent, Thomas O’Dorisio, Todd Pettys, Bradley Phillips, Stephen Rayhill, Linda Snetselaar, Karin Southard, Shelton Stromquist, Robert Weir, Paul Weller, Duane Whitaker, Howard Winfield
Members Excused: Terry Boles, Linda Boyle, Jay Christensen-Szalanski, Claibourne Dungy, Debra Haselton, Rebecca Hegeman, Paul Heidger, Teresa Mangum, Pamela Nerheim, Lisa Oakes, Richard Randell
Faculty Senate Officers in Attendance: Margaret Raymond, President; Katherine Tachau, Vice President; Edwin Dove, Secretary; Jeffrey Cox, Past President
Guests: Keith Thayer (Emeritus Faculty Council), Charles Drum (University Relations), Ana Diaz-Arnold (BICOA), Phil Davidson (Daily Iowan), Lola Lopes (Office of the Provost), Lee Anna Clark (Office of the Provost), Charlotte Westerhaus (Equal Opportunity and Diversity), Pat Cain (Provost), Julie Thatcher (Faculty Senate Office), Jim O’Neal (Gazette)
I. The meeting was called to order at 3:34 PM.
II. Approvals
A. Faculty Senate Minutes, November 18, 2003
Prof. Mallik moved (second by Prof. Segura) to approve the minutes of the Faculty Senate meeting held November 18, 2003, as amended by Prof. Collins and Prof. Raymond. The motion was approved by voice vote.
B. Replacements
- Prof. Collins moved (second by Prof. Lutgendorf) to accept Prof. Khandelwal to replace Prof. Deem in the Faculty Senate. The motion was approved by voice vote.
- Prof. Collins moved (second by Prof. Porter) to accept Prof. Herwaldt to fill the clinical track vacancy on the Judicial Commission. The motion was approved by voice vote.
III. Reports
A. BICOA Response to the COIA Framework, Ana Diaz-Arnold
Prof. Diaz-Arnold reported on BICOA’s response to the COIA Framework document submitted to the Faculty Senate. Prof. Tachau asked if coaches are allowed in the weight rooms at times not included in the NCAA 20-hour limit. Prof. Diaz-Arnold responded that coaches are not allowed in the weight rooms at these times. Prof. Tachau stated that she is pleased with the efforts to integrate the student/athlete into the normal academic/student life of the campus. She asked how the new Athletic Department’s learning center will affect these integration efforts. Prof. Diaz-Arnold responded that the facilities will be made available to student/athletes and selected other students, but the center will not be made generally available to other students.
A discussion of the expected length of the term for membership of BICOA was begun. Prof. Segura stated that a significant commitment of time is required to understand the committee structure of BICOA, and to be able to contribute to the committees’ work. He also expressed a concern that few committee members are from units teaching undergraduate students.
MOTION: Prof. Cox moved (second by Prof. Tachau) to adopt a five-year term for membership in BICOA. The motion passed by voice vote.
MOTION: Prof Tachau moved (second by Prof. Segura) that the majority of members of BICOA be from departments that serve undergraduate teaching. The motion passed by voice vote.
Prof. Diaz-Arnold was asked if there exist NCAA rules or University of Iowa rules on how bowl money is spent. Prof. Diaz-Arnold responded that for our athletic conference, bowl money is evenly split among the Big10 schools (at the present time in 11 ways), and the money returns to the athletic departments of the universities. How each university uses its share of the bowl money is unknown to BICOA. As far as she knows, the NCAA has no rules on how the money can be spent. Prof. Segura offered that the NCAA states that reasonable expenses to a bowl game could be covered by the money received from the Big10 schools’ participation in bowl games.
Prof. Diaz-Arnold spoke to the recent article in The Chronicle Review. In part as a response to the article, BICOA will hold a seminar on April 30, 2004 from 1:30-2:30. At this seminar, one of the speakers will be Mr. Mimms who will present his notions on what it means for student/athletes to be in a classroom with other students.
B. Task Force on Student Arrest Rates Final Report, Margaret Raymond
Prof. Raymond opened discussion of the report from the Task Force on Student Arrest Rates. Prof. Cox noted that the report has recommendations for changing the way that the University deals with undergraduate arrests. He noted that nearly 10% of all male undergraduate students and nearly 17% of all graduating students have an arrest record. He further stated that this high arrest record percentage apparently is the result of University policy. He stated that the alcohol-related arrest percentage at The University of Iowa is approximately ten times the corresponding percentage at Iowa State. He also noted that students with simple marijuana-related arrests lose federal financial support. Prof. Cox then stated that an arrest record affects lifetime employment opportunities.
MOTION: Prof. Cox moved (second by Prof. Porter) to endorse the Task Force on Student Arrest Rates Final Report, and to forward the Task Force’s report on to President Skorton for discussion with the Faculty Senate Officers. The motion passed by voice vote.
C. Faculty Senate Elections Committee, Craig Porter
Prof. Porter reported on the work of the Faculty Senate Elections Committee. Prof. Porter circulated a list (a tally sheet) of unfilled positions in the Faculty Senate, and a list (a roster) of faculty members eligible to be nominated. The Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Medicine, Business Administration, Education and Dentistry have open positions. Members from these five colleges can nominate candidates for the Faculty Senate. Other colleges have no open positions. Prof. Porter noted that the voting population (and thus those eligible for membership) includes tenure-track and salaried clinical-track faculty, but not instructors. An individual needs to be full-time faculty to be eligible.
MOTION: Prof. Nepola moved (second by Prof. Westefeld) to approve the tally sheet from the Faculty Senate Elections Committee. The motion was approved by voice vote.
MOTION: Prof Collins moved (second by Prof. Westefeld) to approve the circulating roster of eligible faculty members, as amended. The motion was approved by voice vote.
D. Faculty Senate President, Margaret Raymond
Prof. Raymond reported on the following items:
- Fifteen percent of the faculty senates have endorsed the COIA Framework document.
- Members of the Faculty Senate and members of the local Chamber of Commerce met with the local legislative delegation.
- The local legislative delegation held a legislative seminar on education. The budget was the main topic of discussion.
- The president of the Faculty Senate met with local legislative delegation to discuss the budget and outreach efforts.
- The Faculty Senate will hold a legislative forum at the Civic Center on February 28, 2004. All are invited.
- President Skorton formed a task force to study budgeting issues. The task force has established a web site at
- The Faculty Senate and the AAUP will sponsor a symposium on tenure and promotion on March 31, 2004 in 2217 Seamans Center. The symposium will begin at 6:30 PM.
IV. New Business: Conflict of Interest in Employment, Lee Anna Clark
Prof. Clark presented the revised Conflict of Interest Policy. She stated that the goal was to bring the policy in line with actual practice. Prof. Clark was asked about the meaning of “close personal friendships” in Section 8.1b. Prof. Clark responded that the meaning turns on how “close” is interpreted. Prof. Porter noted that the meaning could be clarified by defining these as “employment” relationships. Prof. Segura noted that the vagueness of the phrase “close personal friendships” may create future problems. Prof. Quinn stated that it is often difficult to disentangle personal friendships from salary, tenure, etc. considerations.
MOTION: Prof. Thomas moved (second by Prof. Tachau) to have the committee consider striking the phrase “close personal friendships” in Section 8.1b from the policy. The motion passed on voice vote.
Prof. Collins stated that the phrase “Examples include, but are not limited to …” in Section 8.1 seems unclear. He suggested rewording as “Examples of conflict of interest include….”
Prof. Collins asked who makes the judgment, and by what standards, in the phrase “…or that would create the appearance that …” in Section 8.1. He suggested that the committee make clear who will make the judgment, and by what standards. Prof. Clark stated that it is clear in the sequel that the judgment is left to the dean of the college.
Prof. MacFarlane suggested that the phrase “reasonable person” be added, though Prof. Aikin suggested that it is important to give unreasonable persons an avenue to grieve.
MOTION: Prof. Tachau moved (second by Prof. Porter) to have the committee take under consideration the following points: (1) the addition of the phrase “reasonable person,” (2) specifying one office for keeping all files, (3) set standards for review, (4) a clarification as to when one should recuse one’s self, and (5) begin a new paragraph after the first sentence in the second paragraph in Section 8.1. The motion passed by voice vote.
MOTION: Prof. Porter moved (second by Prof. Aikin) to forward the changes to the Vice President group. The motion passed by voice vote.
V. Announcements, Margaret Raymond
- A legislative forum will be held February 28, 2004, 9:30 AM in the Emma J. Harvat Hall, at the City Hall.
- Nominations are due by March 1, 2004 for the Michael J. Brody Award.
- The Faculty Senate reception will be held March 11, 2004 from 5:00-7:00 in the State Room, IMU.
- The next Faculty Senate meeting will be held March 23, 2004, 3:30-5:15 in the Lucas-Dodge Room, 256 IMU.
- The Promotion and Tenure Symposium will be held March 31, 2004 from 6:30-9:00 PM in 2217 Seamans Center.
VI. The meeting was adjourned at 5:08 PM.
Submitted by E.L. Dove, Faculty Senate Secretary