The University of Iowa
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
LR1 Van Allen Hall
Members Present: Judith Aikin, David Asprey, Terry Boles, Linda Boyle, Micheline Chalhoub-Deville, Phyllis Chang, Jay Christensen-Szalanski, Kathleen Diffley, Virginia Dominguez, Lois Dusdieker, Sonya Franklin, Debra Haselton, Ronald Herman, Julie Hochstrasser, Erin Irish, Diane Jeske, Michael Kelly, Patrick Lloyd, Philip Lutgendorf, Donald MacFarlane, Mazen Maktabi, Teresa Mangum, Kim Marra, Jose Morcuende, Sue Moorhead, Lisa Oakes, Harry Paarsch, Todd Pettys, Richard Randell, Mary Hall Reno, Jon Ringen, Thomas Schmidt, Gary Segura, Shelton Stromquist, Geb Thomas, Tuong Ton-That, Carolyn Wanat, Marcia Ward, Paul Weller, John Westefeld, Jerold Woodhead
Members Absent: Thomas Cook, Claibourne Dungy, Bernard Fallon, Michael Flanigan, Alfred Hansen, Julie Hochstrasser, Sheldon Kurtz, Richard LeBlond, Usha Mallik, James Nepola, Pamela Nerheim, Andrew Nugent, Thomas O’Dorisio, Bradley Phillips, Daniel Quinn, Stephen Rayhill, Linda Snetselaar, Janet Specht, Duane Whitaker, Howard Winfield
Members Excused: Gloria Bulechek, Jeffrey Cox, Garry Buettner, Corey Creekmur, Carin Green, Gregory Hamot, Rebecca Hegeman, Paul Heidger, Keri Hornbuckle, Jean Jew, William Johnson, Craig Porter, Karin Southard, Robert Weir
Faculty Senate Officers in Attendance: Margaret Raymond, President; Katherine Tachau, Vice President; Edwin Dove, Secretary
Guests: Charles Drum (University Relations), Alex Lang (Daily Iowan), Charlotte Westerhaus (Equal Opportunity and Diversity), Kerry Fear (Dance Marathon), Alison Meyers (Dance Marathon), Judie Hermsen (Human Resources), Kristen Schorsch (Press-Citizen), Katherine Wynes (Provost Office), Maile Sagen (Ombudsperson), Mark Schantz (General Counsel), David Skorton (President), Lee Anna Clark (Provost Office), Tom Owen (Gazette), Julie Thatcher (Faculty Senate Office), Doug True (VP of Finance and Operations)
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:38 PM.
II. Address by President Skorton
Pres. Skorton reviewed the budgetary situation of the University. Pres. Skorton reported that the University general education fund for this year is approximately $465M. This money derives primarily from state appropriations (approximately $225M), tuition (could be as much as $200M), and Facilities & Administrative (approximately $42M). The University must revert 2.5% of appropriated funds due to unexpected state budget deficits. $5.6M of this reversion will come from the general education fund, and $1.3M will come as reductions in line-item appropriations.
Pres. Skorton shared his principles of budget cuts. Pres. Skorton stated that these cuts in funding will be accomplished in a manner that is consistent with the strategic plan of the University. Furthermore, the cuts will be accomplished in a manner that will protect University library acquisitions, and protect student aid. Finally, the cuts will be made while protecting programs that facilitate and enable growth in external funding.
Pres. Skorton opened the session for questions. In answering the questions, Pres. Skorton stated that compensation for the reduction in state support could possibly come from a combination of a reduction in employment base (preferably from attrition), an increase in tuition, temporary furloughs, not replacing faculty and/or staff, a reduction in the general expense fund, a reduction in miscellaneous costs such as travel, a reduction in allocations to central administration offices, or by merging departments.
Prof. Raymond thanked Pres. Skorton for his address.
III. Approval
Faculty Senate Minutes, September 23, 2003
Prof. Maktabi moved (second by Prof. Herman) to approve the minutes of the September 23, 2003 Faculty Senate meeting. The motion passed by voice vote.
IV. Report
Ms. Kerry Fear described the Spirit Dance Program.
V. New Business
Anti-Harassment Policy, Charlotte Westerhaus
Assistant to the President and the Director of Affirmative Action Charlotte Westerhaus described the proposed Anti-harassment Policy. Prof. MacFarlane expressed the concern that a record is created, with the names of the parties, even if only an informal complaint is made. Director Westerhaus stated that these records do not predominantly contain names, but the records are primarily used to track demographics and trends. Associate Provost Clark stated that the records have names only if both parties are formally informed. She further stated that this is the same policy as in the Anti-sexual Harassment Policy. Director Westerhaus reviewed the policy’s statements on who has responsibility to report incidents to her office. She stated that page 3 section G1 in the Policy draft indicates that assigned faculty advisors have the responsibility of reporting, but classroom teachers do not. She further stated that the language describing who has reporting responsibilities is being worked on.
General Council Schantz stated that his office is working on language to be crafted to strengthen the commitment to the free speech portion of the First Amendment.
MOTION: Prof. Segura moved (second by Prof. Tachau) that “The Faculty Senate endorses the Anti-harassment Policy subject to alterations to be brought by the General Counsel.” The motion passed (27 for, 6 against).
VI. Announcements
- Prof. Raymond announced that the next Faculty Senate meeting is scheduled for November 18, 2003, in LR1 Van Allen Hall.
- Prof. Raymond announced that the Faculty Senate will host a reception for legislators on December 10, 2003 from 4:30 to 6:00.
VII. Adjournment
Prof. Maktabi moved (second by Prof. Dominguez) to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 5:01 PM.
Submitted by E.L. Dove, Faculty Senate Secretary