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University of Iowa
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
3:30 p.m.
Terrace Room, 166 IMU


  1. Call to Order
  2. Approvals
    1. Faculty Senate Minutes, October 19, 2004 (Attachment 1)
    2. Recommended Committee Replacements, Richard LeBlond
      - Conflict of Interest in Employment—Dan Clay (Psych & Quant Foundations) will replace Shruti Trehan (Internal Medicine), 2004-2006
      - Council on Teaching—Richard Fumerton (Philosophy) will replace Andrew Robertson (Biochemistry), 2004-2007
      - Faculty Policies & Compensation—Edwin Dove (Biomedical Engineering) and Kathryn Gerken (Psych & Quant Foundations) will fill vacancies, 2004-2007
      - Financial Aid Advisory—Horace Porter (African American World Studies) will fill a vacancy, 2004-2007
      - Judicial Commission Panelists—Catherine Woodman (Psychiatry) and Richard LeBlond (Internal Medicine) will fill vacancies, 2004-2007
      - Judicial Commission Mediators—Nick Colangelo (Belin-Blank Center), Linda Fielding (Curriculum & Instruction), Todd Pettys (Law), and Linda Snetselaar (Epidemiology) will fill vacancies, 2004-2007

  3. Report: Faculty Senate President, Katherine Tachau
  4. New Business
    1. Proposed Policy on Intellectual Property, Bill Decker and Bruce Wheaton (Attachment 3)
    2. Instructional Technology Fee Parity (Attachment 4)
    3. Proposed Promotion and Tenure Revisions, Lee Anna Clark (Attachment 5)
  5. From the floor
  6. Announcement: 
    1. Legislative Reception, December 8, 4:30, Sunporch IMU
    2. Faculty Senate, February 8, 3:30-5:15, Terrace Dodge Room 166 IMU
  7. Adjournment