University of Iowa
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
3:30 – 5:15 pm
Penn State Room, 337 IMU
- Call to Order
- Approvals
- Meeting Agenda
- Faculty Council Minutes (January 20,2009; January 26, 2009; March 2, 2009) (Attachment 1) (Attachment 2) (Attachment 3)
- Draft Faculty Senate Agenda (March 24, 2009)
- New Business
- Budget Website Update (David Kieft, Office of the President)
- Revision of Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws (Shelly Kurtz, Chair, Bylaws Committee)
- University Budget Issues
- From the Floor
- Announcements
- The online Faculty Senate election is underway and ends Saturday, March 14, at midnight. Please encourage your colleagues to vote.
- The next Faculty Senate meeting will be Tuesday, March 24, 3:30 – 5:15 pm, Senate Chamber, Old Capitol.
- The next Faculty Council meeting will be Tuesday, April 14, 3:30-5:15 pm, Penn State Room, 337 IMU.
- Adjournment