University of Iowa
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
3:30 – 5:15 pm
Seminar Room (2520D), University Capitol Centre
- Call to Order
- Approvals
- Meeting Agenda
- Faculty Council Minutes (November 16, 2010) (Attachment 1)
- Draft Faculty Senate Agenda (February 8, 2011)
- Committee Replacements (Richard Fumerton, Chair, Committee on Committees)
- Nicole Nisly (Internal Medicine) to fill a vacancy on the Judicial Commission, 2011-13
- Nicole Nisly (Internal Medicine) to fill a vacancy on the Judicial Commission, 2011-13
- New Business
- Report on Annual Meeting of Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics (Mike O’Hara, UI COIA Representative)
- Report on Workshop on Support for Arts, Humanities, and Social Science Faculty Research (Ed Dove)
- Anti-Retaliation Policy Revision (Tom Rice, Office of the Provost and Judie Hermsen, Human Resources)
- From the Floor
- Announcements
- The UI AAUP Chapter will be one of the co-hosts of a legislative forum held on Saturday, January 29, 9:30-11:30 am, at the Iowa City Civic Center. Members of the Johnson County legislative delegation will be present at the forum to answer questions.
- The search for the next provost is underway. If you know of individuals who might be qualified candidates, please encourage them to apply. Also, feel free to forward names of potential candidates to the co-chairs of the search committee: Richard Fumerton,, and Keith Carter,
- The next Faculty Senate meeting will be Tuesday, February 8, 3:30 – 5:15 pm, Senate Chamber, Old Capitol.
- The next Faculty Council meeting will be Tuesday, March 8, 3:30-5:15 pm, University Capitol Centre 2520D.
- The call has gone out for nominations for the Michael J. Brody Award for Faculty Excellence in Service to the University and the State of Iowa. Please encourage your colleagues to nominate someone. The deadline to submit nominations is Thursday, March 10.
- The online committee recruitment drive is scheduled to begin shortly. Please encourage your colleagues to participate.
- Online nominations for Faculty Senate begin on Friday, January 28, at 8 am. Please encourage your colleagues to participate.
- Adjournment