University of Iowa
Tuesday, October 6, 1998
3:30 p.m.
Iowa Room (#335) – Iowa Memorial Union
- Call to Order
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of Minutes – September 8, 1998 Faculty Council (Attachment 1)
- Report on September 8, 1998 Faculty Council Executive Session
- Announcements
- Old Business
- New Business
- Discussion of Faculty Questionnaire on Scholarship and Service (previously distributed)
- Discussion of Proposed Revisions of the General Charter of University Committees (Attachment 2)
- Approval of Committee on Committees Recommended Replacement:
MOTION: the Faculty Council endorses the following committee replacement as recommended by the Committee on Committees forwards it to the Faculty Senate for approval: Budget Planning Committee – Jean Jew (Anatomy) to replace Douglas Shasby (Internal Medicine) for the remainder of his term (1998-99); University Lectures Committee – Margaret Stratton (Art & Art History) to replace Thomas Charlton (Anthropology) for the remainder of this term 1998-99).
- Discussion of Faculty Questionnaire on Scholarship and Service (previously distributed)
- Approval of Agenda for October 20, 1998 Faculty senate Meeting (Attachment 3)
- Adjournment