The University of Iowa
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
3:30 pm – 4:15 pm
Senate Chambers, Old Capitol
Members Present: David Asprey, Daniel Balderston, Jill Beckman, Linda Boyle, Kenneth Brown, Garry Buettner, Christine Catney, Virginia Dominguez, Edwin Dove, David Drake, Claibourne Dungy, Sarah Fagan, Richard Fumerton, Jennifer Glass, Frederick Goodman, Thomas Grabowski, Vicki Grassian, Carin Green, Kathleen Hanson, Judith Heggen, Paul Heidger, Ronald Herman, Bruce Justman, Craig Kletzing, Steve McGuire, Frank Mitros, Jose Morcuende, Michael O’Hara, Christine Pawley, Todd Pettys, Amy Poremba, Catherine Ringen, Thomas Schmidt, Victoria Sharp, William Sharp, Karin Southard, Anne Sullivan, John Sutphin, James Tomkovicz, Geb Thomas, Brad Thompson, Tuong Ton-That, Steve Vincent
Members Absent: Susan Birrell, Gloria Bulechek, William Clarke, Steve Collins, Jane Desmond, Denise Filios, Robert Garrett, Geoffrey Hope, Mark Karwal, Yi Li, Lance Lichtor, Thomas Loew, Donald MacFarlane, Mazen Maktabi, Rene Martin, David Min, James Nepola, Thomas O’Dorisio, Beth Pelton, Gary Russell, Jarjisu Sa-Aadu, Christie Thomas, Downing Thomas, Walter Vispoel, Marcia Ward, Catherine Woodman
Members Excused: Jay Christensen-Szalanski, Johna Leddy, Lynn Richman, Linda Snetselaar, Janet Specht, John Westefeld
Faculty Senate Officers in Attendance: Richard LeBlond, President; Sheldon Kurtz, Vice President; Michael Cohen, Secretary; Katherine Tachau, Past President
Guests: Charlie Drum (University Relations), John Beldon-Scott (Art & Art History), Lisa Troyer (Office of the Provost), Kathy Klein (Staff Council), George Lance (Emeritus Council), Mary Greer (Staff Council), Teresa Wahlert (Board of Regents), Rita Frantz (Nursing), Gay Pelzer (Benefits), Brian Ray (Gazette), Hannah van Zutphen-Kann (Press-Citizen), Julie Thatcher (Faculty Senate Office)
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 3:35 pm. President LeBlond welcomed Regent Wahlert, as well as Ms. Mary Greer and Ms. Kathy Klein, (both from Staff Council). President LeBlond also noted that the official opening of the Old Capitol was May 6, 2006.
II. Approvals
A. Meeting Agenda
The agenda was approved by consent.
B. Faculty Senate Minutes, March 7, 2006
The minutes were approved by consent.
C. Committee Replacement, Sheldon Kurtz
Professor Kurtz moved to appoint Jonathan Doorn, Medicinal Natural Products, to replace Tom Branson on the Family Issues Committee (2006-07). The motion was seconded by Professor Asprey and unanimously approved by voice vote.
III. Reports
A. Faculty Senate President, Richard LeBlond
1. Ethics Education Roundtable, May 9, 8:30-4:00, W401 PBB
President LeBlond encouraged faculty to attend the Ethics Education Roundtable.
2. Faculty Council/Administration Retreat, August 11, Gold Room, Oakdale Hall
President LeBlond urged members of the Faculty Council to attend the upcoming Faculty Council/Administration Retreat.
3. Presidential Search Update
President LeBlond thanked Presidential Search Committee Chair Teresa Wahlert for attending the Senate meeting after her afternoon of meetings with various constituents to discuss the composition of the search committee and the overall search process. He then yielded the floor to Regent Wahlert who offered a brief update on the search process including announcing the search firm and offering her intentions of maintaining open lines of communication with the faculty.
B. Staff Benefits Review Committee, Gay Pelzer
Ms. Gay Pelzer reported that a committee has been established to conduct a review of the University Benefits Office. The Committee's focus will be to review the customer service aspects of the office and will not be reviewing the substantive products offered in the benefits package.
The Committee anticipates utilizing a campus wide survey in May to all faculty and staff with appointments of 50% or more. She asked for assistance in encouraging departments and constituents to complete the survey.
C. 2006-07 Faculty Senate Elections Results, Katherine Tachau
Professor Tachau reported that the Elections Committee successfully held elections for both the Faculty Senate and Faculty Council. Participation in the election increased from last year yet still varied among colleges. Professor Tachau encouraged Senators to stress the importance of these elections to their colleagues.
D. 2006-07 Committee Recommendations, Sheldon Kurtz
Professor Kurtz moved, Professor O’Hara seconded, to adopt the committee replacements for the 2006-2007 year as recommended by the Committee on Committees. The motion was unanimously approved.
E. 2004-05 Motion Summary, Sheldon Kurtz
Professor Kurtz explained that the motion summary is an annual compilation of all motions approved by the Senate in the preceding year. The summary advises Senators on the actions taken in response to the motions. Professor Kurtz noted an error in the summary in the September 7, 2004 meeting. The Senate approved a recommendation that allowed Associate Provosts to participate with their academic departments during the tenure review process. Provost Hogan rejected this change, preferring that Associate Provosts review tenure materials with the Provost’s Office.
IV. New Business
A. Proposed Honorary Degree Policy, John Scott
Professor Scott offered that the Committee on Awards and Recognition was charged with investigating whether The University of Iowa should once again grant honorary degrees. The last person to receive an honorary degree from The University of Iowa was President Boyd approximately 25 years ago. The committee was very interested in a simple policy that would remain completely under control of the faculty. The committee met twice, sought advice from the Faculty Council and received endorsement of the proposal from the Faculty Council at its last meeting.
MOTION: Professor O’Hara moved, Professor Ringen seconded, to adopt the Honorary Degree Policy. The motion was unanimously approved.
B. COIA Recommendations, Claibourne Dungy
President LeBlond offered very brief background on the Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics (COIA). Professor Dungy represented The University of Iowa at the January COIA meeting in Pullman, Washington. Professor Dungy further explained that COIA is comprised of 52 Division I Senates in 11 Conferences, all of which are being asked to approve the principles outlined in the Report to the NCAA Presidential Task Force before the Senate.
MOTION: Professor Dungy moved, Professor O’Hara seconded, to approve the COIA Report to the NCAA Presidential Task Force. The motion was unanimously approved.
V. From the floor
There was no business from the floor.
VI. Announcements
A. Regents Awards for Faculty Excellence, Richard LeBlond
President LeBlond announced the 2006 recipients of the Regent Awards for Faculty Excellence: Lee Anna Clark, Psychology; Vicki Grassian, Chemistry; Dennis Harper, Pediatrics; Alan MacVey, Theater Arts; Jarjisu Sa-Aadu, Finance; and Clark Stanford, Dows Institute. He also announced that posthumous recognition would be given to Kenneth Cmiel, History.
B. Michael J. Brody Awards for Faculty Excellence, Richard LeBlond
President LeBlond announced the 2006 recipients of the Michael J. Brody Award: Barbara Eckstein, English; Rita Frantz, Nursing; and Lisa Troyer, Sociology. Professors Troyer and Frantz were present and received hearty recognition from Senators.
C. Appreciation for Outgoing Senators
President LeBlond asked outgoing senators to stand and be recognized for their service and participation.
D. Concluding Remarks of the 2005-06 Faculty Senate President
President LeBlond expressed appreciation to the Senate for a year of accomplishment. Among these was the conversion of the Julie Thatcher’s position from part-time to full-time, completing the Honorary Degree Program, and furthering our relationship with COIA. In addition, Senate leaders initiated the task force for shared governance that will recommend to President Skorton the creation of the Shared Governance Council comprised of leadership of Faculty Senate, Staff Council, and Student Government and request that those three constituents share physical proximity and eventually share staff. In addition, President LeBlond considered the current status of the presidential search a success. It was quite challenging at first but communication is improving and this process will be far more participatory than originally thought.
President LeBlond noted that he had learned much from his year as President and thanked the Senate for their support. He acknowledged the hard work and dedication he observed in administration and encouraged faculty to likewise share their appreciation for university administration. President LeBlond also expressed his deep appreciation for the incredible devotion of Vice President Kurtz, Secretary Cohen, and Past President Tachau’s to Senate activities over the last year, particularly with regard to presidential search issues.
VII. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 4:12 pm.
The University of Iowa
2006-07 Organizational Meeting
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
4:45 pm – 5:15 pm
Senate Chambers, Old Capitol
Members Present: David Asprey, Daniel Balderston, Jill Beckman, George Bergus, Linda Boyle, Kenneth Brown, Jon Carlson, Christine Catney, Jeffrey Cox, Donna D’Alessandro, Virginia Dominguez, Edwin Dove, David Drake, Sarah Fagan, Richard Fumerton, Jennifer Glass, Thomas Grabowski, Vicki Grassian, Carin Green, Kathleen Hanson, Judith Heggen, Paul Heidger, Ronald Herman, Bruce Justman, Craig Kletzing, Steve McGuire, Frank Mitros, Adalaide Morris, Mary Noonan, Faryle Nothwehr, Michael O’Hara, Bryce Plapp, Amy Poremba, Catherine Ringen, Thomas Schmidt, Kathy Schuh, Victoria Sharp, William Sharp, Karin Southard, Anne Sullivan, John Sutphin, James Tomkovicz, Brad Thompson, Tuong Ton-That, Richard Tubbs, Steve Vincent, Ruth Wachtel, Steven Wolfe
Members Absent: Lioness Ayres, Susan Birrell, Gloria Bulechek, Steve Collins, Jane Desmond, George El-Khoury, Denise Filios, Geoffrey Hope, Mark Karwal, Yi Li, Lance Lichtor, Thomas Loew, Susan Lutgendorf, Mazen Maktabi, Rene Martin, David Min, Sue Moorhead, Gary Russell, Jarjisu Sa-Aadu, Christie Thomas, Downing Thomas, Walter Vispoel, Catherine Woodman
Members Excused: Maureen Donovan, Johna Leddy, Lynn Richman, Linda Snetselaar, John Westefeld, Jerold Woodhead
Faculty Senate Officers in Attendance: Sheldon Kurtz, President; Richard LeBlond, Past President
Guests: Charlie Drum (University Relations), John Beldon-Scott (Art & Art History), Lisa Troyer (Office of the Provost), Kathy Klein (Staff Council), George Lance (Emeritus Council), Mary Greer (Staff Council), Teresa Wahlert (Board of Regents), Rita Frantz (Nursing), Gay Pelzer (Benefits), Brian Ray (Gazette), Hannah van Zutphen-Kann (Press-Citizen), Julie Thatcher (Faculty Senate Office)
I. Call to Order
President Kurtz called the meeting to order at 4:45.
II. Election of Officers, Sheldon Kurtz
Julie Thatcher distributed election ballots for the positions of Vice President and Secretary. President Kurtz asked candidates to stand and be recognized. Candidates for Faculty Senate Vice President were Edwin Dove, Engineering and Victoria Sharp, Urology. Candidates for Faculty Senate Secretary were Jennifer Glass, Sociology and Steve McGuire, Curriculum and Instruction. Ballots were completed by current Senators, collected by Julie Thatcher, and counted by Past President LeBlond and Julie Thatcher.
III. Opening Remarks of the Faculty Senate President
President Kurtz acknowledged his deep appreciation for the 2005-06 Faculty Senate Officers. He noted that none had anticipated the events of the last year and expressed his gratitude for the dedication and camaraderie exhibited by all four officers. In particular, President Kurtz asked Professor Tachau to stand and receive special appreciation from the Senate. The Senate Officers offered Professor Tachau a gift to commemorate their warm regard for her tireless efforts in faculty governance. President Kurtz then acknowledged Julie Thatcher’s work in the Senate office and expressed his gratitude for her efforts.
President Kurtz remarked on the challenging year ahead. He noted that the life of the University changed when President Skorton resigned, yet the faculty will be ready for this challenge. President Kurtz offered four items he believed would dominate the landscape of his Presidency. First, the Senate will mount a major effort to retain strong faculty governance. Second, the Senate Officers will work strenuously with Interim President Fethke to improve the University during this time of transition. Third, the Senate will actively participate in the presidential search process in whatever way they are invited. President Kurtz remarked whoever was the president, the faculty remain the core of the University. Finally, President Kurtz announced that the overarching theme of his presidency will be faculty compensation. He noted the recent trend in declining compensation created by inflation and rising costs of health care. Faculty compensation will likewise be the theme of the August 11, 2006 retreat. President Kurtz acknowledged Professor Collins for assisting him in the preparation for the Retreat. President Kurtz noted that faculty were not alone in the challenge of compensation, as it remains an essential element in the Regents Transformation Plan and the Provost’s plans. President Kurtz asked Senators for their support in the coming year in their commitment to participation. He then wished everyone a productive and safe summer.
IV. From the Floor
Professor McGuire offered the following resolution:
WHEREAS University of Iowa Faculty are members of a University Community that requires dedicated leadership, and
WHEREAS Richard LeBlond has lead a robust, vigorous, civil discussion of issues related to the faculty role in accomplishing a strong shared-governance process, and
WHEREAS the faculty role in determining a University of Iowa President has been particularly important and essential this academic year, 2005-2006, be it
RESOLVED that members of the University of Iowa Faculty Senate express their gratitude to Richard LeBlond for his dedicated leadership as Faculty Senate President.
The Senate approved the resolution by acclimation.
V. New Business: Resolution on Senate Summer Activities, Sheldon Kurtz
President Kurtz offered the following resolution, seconded by Professor Grassian:
The Faculty Senate consents to the Faculty Senate Officers (President, Vice President, Past President, and Secretary) acting on its behalf for the period beginning April 25, 2006 to the next meeting of the Faculty Senate in Fall 2006.
The resolution passed unanimously by voice vote.
VI. Announcements
A. 2006-07 Meeting Schedule, Sheldon Kurtz
President Kurtz requested that Senators and Councilors record the 2006-07 Faculty Senate and Faculty Council meeting dates in their calendars.
B. Election Results, Katherine Tachau
Professor Tachau thanked those who participated in the election process. She announced that Professor Victoria Sharp was the new Faculty Senate Vice President and Professor Jennifer Glass was the new Faculty Senate Secretary. President Kurtz offered his congratulations.
VII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 pm.