University of Iowa
Tuesday, September 21, 1999
3:30 p.m.
Old Capitol, Senate Chamber
- Call to Order
- Approvals
- Minutes (Attachment 1)
- Recommended Senate replacements
MOTION: The Faculty Senate approves the following appointments to the Senate, as recommended by the Committee on Elections and the Faculty Council: College of Engineering: Steve Collins to replace Jim Andrews for the term 1999-2001; College of Liberal Arts, Group II: Allen Steinberg (History) to replace Katherine Tachau for the term 1999-2001.
- Recommended Council replacements
MOTION: The Faculty Senate approves the following appointments to the Faculty Council, as recommended by the Committee on Elections and the Faculty Council: College of Liberal Arts: David Manderscheid to replace Katherine Tachau for the term 1999-2001; College of Education: Debora Liddell to fill the College’s “regular” Council seat for the term Jan. 2000-2001; College of Public Health: Paul Pomrehn (Preventive Medicine) to serve 1999-2000.
- Recommended Committee replacements
MOTION: The Faculty Senate approves the following committee appointments, as recommended by the Committee on Committees and the Faculty Council: Council on Teaching: Kathy Heilenman (French & Italian) to replace Russell Valentino (fall 1999); Sue Lafky (Journalism & Mass Comm.) To replace Russell Valentino (spring 2000); Jack Barnette (Prev. Medicine) to replace Asghar Bhatti (spring 2000); Armando Duarte (Dance) to replace Susan Lawrence (spring 2000). Hancher Advisory Committee: Penelope Hall (Speech Path & Audio.) to replace Helen Chadima (1999-2001). Budget Planning: William Miller (Phar) to replace Cheryl Contant (1999-2002). Faculty Judicial Commission: Steve Stefanac (Dentistry-Clinical) for a 3 year term (1999-2002). Board in Control of Athletics: Cheryl Baldwin (Sport, Health & Leisure) to replace Henrietta Logan (1999-2001).
- Minutes (Attachment 1)
- Provost Whitmore presentation
- Announcements and Reports
- Faculty Convocation–October 5, 1999, 7:30 MacBride Hall
- United Way campaign
- Status of reviews
- Funded Retirement and Insurance Committee chair’s report on TIAA/CREF convertibility
- Report on Faculty Senate Research and Service Questionnaire results (Attachment 2)
- New Business
- Proposed resolution regarding promotion and tenure standards to be applied when the standards were changed after the faculty member’s initial appointment or promotion to current rank. (Attachment 3)
- Proposed resolution regarding promotion and tenure standards to be applied when the standards were changed after the faculty member’s initial appointment or promotion to current rank. (Attachment 3)
- From the floor
- Adjournment