The University of Iowa
Tuesday, December 5, 2000
3:30 p.m.
Old Capitol, Senate Chamber
- Call to Order
- Approvals
- Minutes (Attachment 1)
- Committee Replacements
MOTION: The Faculty Senate approves the following appointments to the Faculty Judicial Commission, as recommended by the Committee on Committees and the Faculty Council.
Forrest M. Holly (Professor – Civil-Environmental Engineering)
Lynn Pringle (Assistant Professor/Clinical – Accounting)
- Committee Reports (1999-2000)
Governmental Relations Committee Report - Revised (Attachment 2)
- Minutes (Attachment 1)
- New Business
- Report from Board in Control of Athletics concerning student athletes and academics – Margaret Mills, Chair, BOICA and Bonnie Slatton, Faculty Representative (Attachment 3)
- Report from Board in Control of Athletics concerning student athletes and academics – Margaret Mills, Chair, BOICA and Bonnie Slatton, Faculty Representative (Attachment 3)
- Adjournment
Senate Members & Guests: Please sign the attendance list before leaving the meeting.
Next Senate Meeting: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 Old Capitol Senate Chamber