University of Iowa
Tuesday, October 9, 2001
3:30 p.m.
Penn State Room (#335), Iowa Memorial Union
- Call to Order
- Approvals
- Meeting Agenda
- Minutes–Faculty Council, September 11, 2001 (Attachment 1)
- Report of the Faculty Senate President (Amitava Bhattacharjee)
- Status of Reviews of Central Administration
- Ad hoc Committee for Rules on Collegiate and Decanal Reviews
- Unfinished Business
- Discussion of modification (C. Complaint, 1, a) to Unacceptable Performance of Duty Warranting Termination policy (Attachment 2)
- Discussion of modification to Clinical Track policy (Attachment 3)
- New Business
- Policies on Sexual Harassment and Consensual Relations (Lee Anna Clark)
Attachment 4: Summary of Proposed Revisions
Attachment 5: Proposed Policy on Sexual Harassment
Attachment 6: Proposed Policy on Consensual Relationships
Attachment 7: Current Sexual Harassment Policy (OM, Part II, Ch. 5)
- Review of Vice-President Douglas True (in Executive Session) (Amitava Bhattacharjee)
- Policies on Sexual Harassment and Consensual Relations (Lee Anna Clark)
- Announcements
- Adjournment