Breadcrumb Home Review of the Office of the General Counsel, 2004 Review of the Office of General Counsel FINAL REPORT: Final Report of the Committee to Review The University of Iowa Office of General Counsel (OGC) (pdf 896 KB) APPENDICES: Appendix A: Self Study Appendices [to the self study] (pdf 2.01 MB) Appendix B: University Administrators and General Counsel Attorneys and Staff Interviewed by the OGC Review Committee (pdf 262 kb) Appendix C: Client Satisfaction Survey Part I: Survey (pdf 2.74 MB) Part II: OGC Clients Contacted to Complete the Questionnaire (pdf 1.69 MB) Appendix D: Client Satisfaction Survey Results Part I: Figures (pdf 9.73 MB) Part II: Tables (pdf 2.25 MB) Appendix E: Survey of Attorneys Outside the OGC: Questionnaire (pdf 1.53 MB) Attorneys Outside OGC Who Received Questionnaire at Appendix E (Appendix E-1) (pdf 439 kb) Appendix F: Survey of Attorneys Outside OGC: Results (pdf 1.24 MB) Appendix G: Survey of OGCs at Peer Institutions Part 1: Questionnaire (pdf 1 MB) Part 2: Reporting Institutions (pdf 117 kb) Appendix H: Survey of OGCs at Peer Institutions: Results Collated (pdf 5.54 MB)