University of Iowa
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
3:30 p.m.
Penn State Room, 337 IMU
- Call to Order
- Approvals
- Meeting Agenda
- Faculty Council Minutes, February 22, 2005 (Attachment 1)
- Reports
- Faculty Senate President, Katherine Tachau
- NCAA Faculty Representative, Betsy Altmaier
- Old Business: Anti-Harassment Policy Revision, Mark Schantz (Attachment 2)
- New Business
- Coalition on Intercollegiate Athletics (Attachment 3)
- Diversity Charter Committee (Attachment 4)
- Addition to the Statement on Non-Discrimination, Sheldon Kurtz
- From the floor
- Announcements
- Faculty Council, April 12, 3:30-5:15, Penn State Room, 337 IMU
- Provost Address, April 14, 2005, 4:00, Shambaugh Auditorium, reception will follow
- Faculty Senate, April 26, 3:30-5:15, Terrace Room, 166 IMU
- Faculty Council/Administrative Retreat, May 24, 2005, Gold Room, Oakdale Hall
- Adjournment