Faculty Council Meeting

Tuesday, March 11, 2025  
3:30 - 5:15 p.m. 

Seminar Room (2520D), University Capitol Centre



I. Call to Order

II. Approvals 

  1. Meeting Agenda - Decision
  2. Faculty Council Minutes (January 28, 2025) - Decision
  3. Draft Faculty Senate Agenda (March 25, 2025) - Decision
  4. Committee Appointments (Rodica Curtu, Chair, Committee on Committees) - Decision
  • None at this time

   III. New Business

  • Update from Faculty Senate Governmental Relations Committee Chair Beth Walker and Pete Matthes, Vice President for External Relations and Senior Advisor to the President
  • Executive Session:  President Barbara Wilson
  • Faculty Policy Revision (final version) (tracked changes version) (Doris Witt, Chair, Faculty Policies and Compensation Committee; Caroline Sheerin; and Ed Gillan) - Decision
  • President's Report (Caroline Sheerin)

IV.   From the Floor

V.   Executive Session

  • Regents Award for Faculty Excellence Recipients
  • Michael J. Brody Award for Faculty Excellence in Service Recipients 

VI. Announcements

  • The next Faculty Senate meeting will be Tuesday, March 25, 3:30-5:15 pm, Senate Chamber, Old Capitol
  • The next Faculty Council meeting will be Tuesday, April 8, 3:30-5:15 pm, Executive Boardroom (2390), University Capitol Centre

VII.   Adjournment