The University of Iowa
Tuesday, April 24, 2001
3:30 p.m.
Old Capitol, Senate Chamber
- Call to Order
- Approvals of Agenda and Minutes (Attachment 1)
- Old Business
- Unacceptable Performance of Duty Warranting Termination (Attachment 2)
Cox Committee Draft #8
Motion: The Faculty Council moves that the Senate adopt the “Unacceptable Performance of Duty Warranting Termination” policy.
- Unacceptable Performance of Duty Warranting Termination (Attachment 2)
- New Business
- Review and Promotion Procedures (Attachment 3)
Motion: The Faculty Council moves that the Senate adopt the revised “Review and Promotion Procedures”.
- Report of the Interdisciplinary Committee on Faculty Issues (Attachment 4)
Motion: The Faculty Council moves that the Senate endorse Appendices A and B and forward the Report to the Provost.
- The Faculty Council moves that the Senate approve the Committee appointments as recommended by the Committee on Committees. (Attachment 5)
- Review and Promotion Procedures (Attachment 3)
- Reports and Announcements
- Membership of the 2001-2002 Faculty Senate and Faculty Council (Attachment 6)
- Motion Summary 1999-2000 Senate Session (Vice President Bhattacharjee) (Attachment 7)
- Brody and Regents Award Winners (President Colvin)
- Adjournment
Senate Members & Guests: Please sign the attendance list before leaving the meeting.